Multitool Hayley

MaikH 2068


This Shaper deck went through a lot of iterations and IDs, starting out with Exile, but the central idea was always to have a program for every occasion. Originally, it also had non-program cards, but #Dhegdheer in combination with the older Leprechaun made it possible to have a heap of stuff without hardware MU enhancement, and Maven made it finally worthwhile.

Once the non-programs dwindled to less than ten, I decided to go the whole hog, throw out the rest (three Technical Writers were the last and hardest cut to make) and introduce Auntie May to the deck. The three remaining pieces of Hardware are a Feedback Filter, purely because Net Shield had not been replaced, and Daredevil as a comparatively cheap draw and MU boost. The console used to be The Toolbox, obviously and fittingly, and I really miss dialing up a DaVinci to nine ... even though Daredevil is probably a good deal better for the deck.

You're rather tall for a Leprechaun

In play, expect to expend as much brainpower on your MU management as on the gameplan against the Corp. And expect to use up SMCs to fish for your MU enhancing programs.

In general, Leprechauns should be used for permanent stuff like Sahasrara or the mighty Maven, but be careful not to put all your eggs in one basket - pairing the crucial stuff with SMCs is ideal, of course.

Dhegdheers are immensely handy for Hyperdriver, Cache and DaVinci, but you will often need to park something else on them.

Once you have at least one DaVinci installed, start running - while this is a typical Shaper deck in that you can do a lot of setup, you also should be able to get into a lot of servers with an early Maven - there is enough time to blow up his strength later on (personal record is a sweet Str 17).

Hidden Gems

With the obvious choices for this kind of deck out of the way, let's look at some of the more questionable choices. Customized Secretary is perfect as a one-of, giving you a bit more space for planning, but two would be too many. Clot, Misdirection and Paricia exemplify the toolbox approach - while they will be useless in quite a lot of match-ups, they can be very decisive against one-trick-pony Corp decks. Chakana is just useful enough, but not brilliant - R&D is your win condition once Equivocation is on the table, though, and it slots nicely into that. The RNG Key is not tested yet, but looks fun enough.

The breaker suite is straightforward apart from Ankusa, which I've not seen anywhere else. In this deck, though, it's been pretty strong in a lot of matches - it often gets into play with DaVinci, and can deal with very annoying stuff like Kakugo, Data Ward, or IP Block.

Favorite Corp cards Scarcity of Resources never fails to please. On the other hand, it feels a bit unjust that Biased Reporting gets slotted in as a defense against resource spamming, but works even better against this deck. The only recompense is that all the credits in the world will probably not do anything to keep you out once the rig is complete.