
Legality (show more)
Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
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wigglestick 46

This deck is designed to minimize maximize the amount of joy experienced by the runner both players. It accomplishes this by making runs horrible enjoyable experiences and generally grinding the game to a halt allowing both players to play at a leisurely pace. Common exclamations of joy heard while playing this deck:

  • "Ugh, this again?"
  • Runner uses Cataloguer to look at the top 4 of R&D: "Ugh......ew......oh no, come on, really?! Well, I guess this is the order they go back..."
  • "It's an agenda and I steal-ah #&@%! Mistakes were made. I forgot about that stupid Thule ability..."

This deck leans into the click-and-credit tax of Thule by having a mostly straightforward glacier-style gameplan geared toward making everything drain enough clicks (and possibly credits) that the runner often doesn't have enough time to get everything done and, hopefully, forcing a few core damage with agendas steals. The more core damage the runner has, the fewer tools they'll be able to build up in their grip and the more time they'll have to spend drawing and playing things one by one. The primary plan is to score out, not to kill the runner, though that's a nice bonus that happens occasionally.

Most of the ICE ends up on the centrals and a single scoring remote, though sometimes a single ICE on a second remote to hold Marilyn Campaign and Regolith Mining License is a good idea if the runner is aggressively trashing those assets (which they won't always, because that's more clicks and money they don't want to or can't afford). It's somewhat common that I end up with Manegarm Skunkworks + Mr. Hendrik in the scoring remote, which has sometimes been enough to deter the runner from even trying to steal agendas from there anymore. Then you can pour more resources into defending/taxing centrals - Daniela Jorge Inácio and Mr. Hendrik are great for this. I've also found myself putting Manegarm into HQ and/or R&D more often lately due to the amount of central pressure going around.

12 agendas means the runner is going to have to have to make the Thule decision a lot and the 3x Nightmare Archive usually slow things down for the runner substantially in my experience. It's been very common for runners to end up with 2+ core damage against this deck, which makes Ontological Dependence instantly scorable. Corporate Hospitality is great for recurring Snare! but also econ when necessary (I also really enjoy playing Hospitality to recur the second Hospitality when possible and I have the clicks to spare).

The 1x Snare! has been incredibly valuable to this deck: it warps the runner's play pattern after they see it, it slows them down by knocking everything out of their grip which they then have to go search for again, and I've gotten a surprising number of flatlines off of it.

Front Company is a bit of a pet card for me and I think it's a bit underrated. People in my meta have come to trashing it on sight because it often can present a sizeable enough thorn in the runner's side. If HQ and R&D are sufficiently protected then it becomes very expensive for them to have to get through all of the ice on one of those servers before then having to spend an additional click and 2 credits to run and trash it (unless they want to suffer the 2 net damage to run Archives and possibly pay to break a Wave or just let you have the money).

Týr was a last minute addition before a small local event and it surprised me with how valuable it ended up being, even at 10 rez cost. I've had multiple people face plant into it and either suffer all of the subroutines or give me a 5-6 click turn (IAAAA an Offworld Office is fun). After that it's a persistent pain for most killers to get through.

Things I've considered changing:

  • Hákarl 1.0 should almost certainly be swapped for something else - maybe Hagen or Ivik.
  • Daniela Jorge Inácio isn't bad, as she contributes to the general "slow the runner down, make them go find all of their tools again", gameplan. People generally aren't happy to see her and she tends to get trashed on sight, but she's three influence and it's possible that could be better used elsewhere.
  • A 3rd copy of Mr. Hendrik would be very welcome, I'm just not sure where to find the room for it