Secret PassCODE, please?

pizzarony 59

I am attempting to make a successful Encrypted Portals deck, that also takes advantage of some fast-advance features, such as Biotic Labor and Trick of Light.

Will make changes after a few plays.

10 Sep 2014 wswan

Sundew is probably not a great choice here. In horizontal, super-asset Jinteki (RP) is totallyu rocks, but here the runner will just run on it and trash it if it's left in the open or run it and either trash it or jack out, both stopping you from gaining the two creds.

Tennin wants to stop people , which is also unlike other Jinteki decks, and most of your ice (Chum, Pop-up, Sensei on it's own, Yagura, Komainu) doesn't stop the runner. I'd trade a lot of those for something else. And maybe keep 1 or 2 Sensei's, but probably not 3 since it is reliant on other ice already being out.

And more econ won't hurt. As of now it's Encrypted Portals, Sundew which won't work too well on most occasions, and Hedge Fund. I usually try to have a mix of asset and operation economy, but definitely use whichever works best in the deck or with your playstyle. Private Contracts, Beanstalk Royalties, and maybe even Restructure should be looked at.