46 Gang Sign Leela (1st Place - Store Championship)

pizzarony 59

I've played Criminal since I've started playing Netrunner. Just haven't been able to get the hang of anything else. This deck has pretty much been my main runner deck since GenCon, last year.

Recently, I dropped Faerie for Mongoose, RDI for Mediums, and Mr. Li for Symmetrical Visage. All seemed to be wise decisions, for this Store Championship.

My opponents played:

  • ETF (x2)
  • Argus
  • NEH (Which I didn't get to actually play)
  • Spark

Everything seemed to click, for this deck. Had Logos early, in each of my games. Also usually had Gang Sign early.

Round 1 vs. Nick(HB: ETF) -- The first game of the day, against Nick, went really well. He mentioned that he hadn't ever played against Leela, and was fairly new to the game. My bouncing stuff, and Gang Signing won me that game handily. For being new, he seemed to have a good grasp of the game, and more specifically, a decent grasp of his ETF deck. (2-0 -- Won against Ken "Express" Tenma, too.)

Round 2 vs. Paul(Argus) -- The Argus game wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be, at no fault of my opponent's. I've played Argus, myself, in the past, so I know how annoying it can be at times. Paul couldn't quite get the tag/scorch to work quickly enough, and Medium dug deep enough for 7 points, quicker than we both thought it would. (4-0 -- Also won against his Sunny deck.)

Round 3 vs. Andrew(HB: ETF) -- Andrew did not enjoy my use of 2x Gang Sign, 2x HQ Interface. That two card combo easily won me that game, when I probably shouldn't have. He had me locked out of remotes and centrals, but kept mandatory drawing agendas whenever he'd go to score in his remote. Bad luck for him, good luck for me. (6-0 -- Beat his ApocaKate deck, too.)

Round 4 vs. Ryan(NEH) -- We used the new tournament rules for this event, so Ryan and I agreed to split into the cut. (7-1)

T4 Round 1 vs. Ed(Spark) -- Spark was interesting. Ed was playing a Psycho/Tag version, but didn't run any Scorched Earths. At the end of the match, I had 8 tags, but he couldn't draw an agenda fast enough, to Psycho it out. I used Medium against him, as well. I think at the end I had 4 or 5 counters on one, and 2 or 3 on another one. (8-1, 0 losses in the cut)

T4 Round 2 vs. Ryan(MaxX) -- Played my NEH Turtle Power deck against his MaxX. Was able to fight off Faust and score out in a strong server with a rezzed SanSan. (9-1, 0 losses in the cut)

T4 Round 3 vs. Andrew(HB: ETF) -- He had everything working for him. And I wasn't able to get my Gang Sign/HQI going fast enough. He won it pretty easily.

T4 Round 4 vs. Andrew(Kate) -- My NEH Turtle Power deck was victorious, landing me my very first tournament win, ever.

Had a great day, with some great people. Won some games I shouldn't have, with a little skill, and a lot of luck.

21 Mar 2016 scd

Congrats! Always love seeing a Logos Leela do well -- this is similar but still pretty different from my Worlds Gang Sign/Logos Leela deck. I'm curious about the differences -- why 2x Medium? With Logos, I'd think you could get by with just the 1 and put some of that influence elsewhere, like perhaps a #Faust? I love Fisk Investment Seminar in a Gang Sign Leela, too -- they install, advance, advance, you then Fisk and put new agendas in their hand to complicate their scoring. Anyway, thanks for sharing this, I'm interested in revisiting Leela and this looks like a good deck!

22 Mar 2016 pizzarony

The 2 Mediums was just a personal preference kind of thing. They did end up helping me win against Paul and Ed. This deck takes big swings, and being able to double up the Medium counters is extremely helpful, when I see an opening.

Faust is nice, but I don't like pitching cards, for any reason(other than the obvious 2nd console, 2nd Kati, etc.).

Fisk Investment Seminar might be a good include. It probably would have frustrated Andrew even more. :P