HB Kicks Your Door Down v3

y.pro 867

In the recent changes to this deck, I've dropped the Blue Levels in favour of Archived Memories. I've often found myself with more money than I know what to do with and the Archived Memories will provide some versatility in this slot - they can be used to retrieve Ash, make Punitive Counterstrikes easier, or just get some economy back if there's nothing else to do.

I've also changed Caduceus and 2 Walls of Static into 2 Wraparounds and an Enigma as well as changing some ICE density to make sure there is enough early game protection. In a couple of games recently I've found myself 6-0 down (!) in the early game. I did manage to pull out the win each time, but increasing the likelihood that I'll survive to the lategame and deploy the big guys can only be a good thing. I would like to fit some Ichi 2.0s in, possibly for Enigma, but that may reduce my ETR a little too much.

Ash and NAPD Contract continues to be incredible, particularly in a big server - it is VERY easy to push the trace to a level where they can't steal the Contract if they beat it, and hopefully the Archived Memories will help them repeat their usefulness.