Hit and run

staglore 359

Strong ice breakers for cheap and drip economy to keep running.

8 Oct 2015 FarCryFromHuman

Definitely a solid big-rig shell. I've got a few comments though:

Why is this out of Exile? You've got 9 cards that will trigger his ability but you aren't going to be reinstalling your rig unless forced to. Kate seems like the best choice, as her ability synergizes well with most of your deck.

You can definitely cut 4 cards to go down to 45. Eureka seems pretty pointless, as you will rarely hit a breaker (and aren't running Motivation), and Aesop's Pawnshop doesn't have very many targets either.

Medium is really nice, but so is 3x Multithreader/Datasucker. I'd be much happier slotting R&D Interface (which also plays nicely with The Supplier) than spending a tutor on the only card in my deck that provides multi-access. Datasuckers are especially important with Morning Star.

You only have 3 cards in the deck that turn on Underworld Contact. That feels a bit flimsy to me, but I guess you can keep stashing them on The Supplier if he shows up before a Dyson Mem Chip does.

8 Oct 2015 x3r0h0ur

Would be better out of Kate TBH. Also you could do -1 Supplier +1 hostage and be about as good, but better at finding aesops and FC and as good at finding supplier. Also you could slot 1 Helpful AI to turn on 2 link.

8 Oct 2015 staglore

I certainly see your point with the lack of link to trigger Underworld Contact.

However, the reason for Eureka! is for the times that I only have a Test Run in hand and no Scavenge in hand.

The reason I chose Medium over R&D Interface is simply that I don't have future proof yet. Still waiting for the reprint. Once, that happens I should have enough influence to add in Datasucker and Multithreader.