The Big Picture

BobAloVskI 334

Why do something with a click when you can do multiple things? The synergy this deck creates is quite amazing.

Card Rundown

  • Jak Sinclair can trigger Desperado, Datasucker and John Masanori. The same with Dirty Laundry. On a turn when you aren't running R&D, you can more often than not convert your Multithreader credits into a credit, draw and sucker token(s) by running HQ.
  • Career Fair and Modded get your installables on the board and you save three credits. Even using Career Fair for a two cost resource is still quite reasonable.
  • The Underworld Contacts are a free credit every turn. Symmetrical Visage is its own click compression by giving you a free credit every turn.
  • With your Multithreaders, Datasuckers (also factoring in your Underworld Contacts and Desperado credits), you can usually run an ICE'd server once per turn for free or at least really cheap.
  • The only cards that do not give you any synergy are Sure Gamble and Film Critic. Sure Gambles just set you up if you see one in your opening hand. You generally never struggle for credits after that. Film Critic is there because it can blank agenda text, Midseasons and even Argus' and Harpsichords's IDs. I could even see myself swapping a Career Fair for a second one. It is a meta call.

All the synergies I have talked about are amazing if you can get them all happening but your deck does not require one particular card or combo to win. If you can get Jak Sinclair and one of Desperado or John Masonori, with an open remote, that is a free credit or card per turn. No Jak Sinclair but you have a Desperado and John Masonori? Dirty Laundry for a card and four credits. All pieces will fall into place eventually but in the meantime, you just have to settle for small amounts of synergy.


Obviously you cannot get all of this working in a 50 card deck straight away which is why getting at least one draw card in your opening hand is important. If you do not get one: mulligan. You have more than enough economy cards in your deck not to worry about them but you NEED to draw cards to get all your pieces together. You get a draw card in your opening hand and that leads to the economy cards as well as more draw and your breakers. Eventually all your pieces will come together. Your first few turns will just be drawing and playing your resources to set you up. Earthrise Hotels and/or Symmetrical Visage (and John Masanori to a lesser extent) accelerate your early game and allow you to get your breakers online consistently within your first 10 turns.


By now you will have seen over half your deck and should have a number of pieces working together. More importantly, your three breakers should be out. You should also have some good passive income working for you (Underworld Contact, Multithreader, Jak Sinclair + Desperado and John Masonori). Your turn will consist of firing Jak Sinclair into an undefended remote to check what they put there last turn or for just firing Desperado/John Masanori. Your first click is to use Globalsec Security Clearance to look at the top card on R&D. If you see an agenda or a must trash card, run R&D for your second click to get/trash it. If there is nothing of interest on R&D, run HQ instead to find an agenda or trash something. Even if these two clicks just give you ICE/operations, you are making them know that there is no safe place for agendas and potentially force them into error. And at the very least, you know what they might do next turn. Your last two clicks are to improve your board state - most likely draw and install a card. Because even though you are in a good place, you can always be in a better place with more of your pieces out.


This deck has been really strong in the games I have played. Despite the 50 card minimum deck size, it is still rather quick to setup. Once there, you should have no troubles controlling the game and winning. I am sure there are still improvements that could be made to the deck and I am happy to hear them. I recommend trying this deck out. You will not be disappointed.