Blue Hollywood Sun

Panzerninja 1


So this is a new take on the Blue sun Government Takeover decks. That twist being you may actually be able to score some of your agendas!

First and foremost, Old Hollywood Grid the MVP when it comes to scoring. This is due to the agenda suite being entirely 1x copies and Blue suns ability to make obnoxious servers. But first let’s get the green, obnoxious, beret wearing elephant out the way.


Yes I know that card ruins most of the fun. To be honest, unless you are playing any sort of FA deck, the card can be a hassle to deal with. There are some answers in the form of contract kill and SEA source. More testing needs to be done but an additional SEA may be necessary and/or snatch and grab.

How the deck operates:

If you are not familiar with government takeover style decks, the idea is simple. Acquire as many credits as possible and then blow up the runner and anything near him. However being able to create really annoying server (eg. Curtain wall -> Orion -> Archer) and then making a the runner run it again with OHG, just so you can punitive or SEA scorch them out of existence, is rather satisfying. And if not congrats on your 3+ points!


So in my mind it was key that the density is low and the agendas are all unique. All of these agendas further some goal of the deck so I am happy with all of them.


Adonis can provide money while you slowly set up. Contract Killers for either a final bit of meat damage or to kill off an annoying connection. Jackson for Jackson reasons, and CVS to help clear out the pesky datasucker/medium tokens. Those things can be annoying as well.


Standard BS operations. The only real difference is the interns. It would be a shame if a runner worked so hard to get in and take out a grid just for it to come back.

ICE choices:

Here is where the deck could use some more work IMO. I feel comfortable with my choices but it could maybe use some more advice. I do have an unhealthy interest in making Orion work and I am a big fan of program trashing (archer/nebula). Between Hive, Ice walls and the weaker code gates, you can protect your servers until you can get the money train going and shore up R and D as well as your scoring remote. Lotus field is here to keep Y0Ggers honest and Taurus can deal with annoying Hardware (plascrete). The identity lends itself well to slowing down Parasites, and while D4v1d can be a problem OHG makes the runner have to find more answers then just making 1 run a turn.

I will keep testing this out and would love to hear any feedback from the community.

Thank you!

25 Aug 2015 sruman

Thanks for posting deck. A few thoughts -- I've found nebula to be consistently underwhelming and usually end up swapping it out for wormhole. There's only 2 viable options for rezzing the archer that I can see -- hostile and pri-req -- which seems a bit too high variance to happen often. You can sack a 3 pt-er (or heck a 6 ptr) but yikes ... Not sure which ice to use instead but I've always liked the tax ratio of cadeucus.

I'm assuming this is a "general availability" deck that includes only up to Old Hollywood. But launch campaign (for adonis), assassin (for archer/nebula), and global food initiative all seem like considerations for this deck type.

25 Aug 2015 Panzerninja

@sruman Hi and thanks for the advice! The deck was designed to be usable up to old Hollywood.

Launch campaign seems nice to save on influence, and will probably be swapped out.

With the swapped influence I would probably pick tollbooth over Nebula and Wormhole, but for now I kinda am looking to trash some programs.

I am not entirely worried about Rezzing archer, Out side of some quetzal matchups, I think Hive and Curtain walls should be good to keep people out.

I will defiantly consider Assassin when drops.