Sun(ny Lebow) chips

Dillah 1

The key to this deck is link strength, courtesy of Armand "Geist" Walker: Tech Lord, Security Nexus, Access to Globalsec, and The Helpful AI. This eliminates memory concerns with your cloud breakers, makes your console much more likely to bypass ice, and can throw a little cash your way via Underworld Contact and Power Tap working with Sunny's console. You can break through ice no problem boosting the strength of your cloud breakers with Security Chip and The Helpful AI, or lean on Grappling Hook and Inside Job to get around ice. Cortez Chip and Crescentus will make the corp's account so skinny after rezzing ice that they will be hard pressed to beat down your console, but in case your console fails you or you're up against a trace&tag NBN or Weyland deck, Decoy and Crash Space come to the rescue.

I was sick of using all my Influence points on Levy AR Lab Access so instead I opted for Clone Chip, Sacrificial Construct, Same Old Thing and Fall Guy which have not only worked beautifully with all those trashers, but help insure that card draw takes care of itself.

So far 6-0 with this deck vs Spark Agency.

28 Feb 2017 mrgoldendeal

You can't use Sacrificial Construct to prevent a program or hardware from trashing itself and still get the benefit of it.

28 Feb 2017 Dillah

Oh thanks, I did not know. So Sacrificial Construct is for use against destroyers and such in this deck then.