Code Siphon Kit

steevo15 110

Code siphon is a card that I wanted to build a deck around, so I did! I can't wait to try this deck out once The Source hits, in the mean time any advice is appreciated, as this is just a preliminary decklist.

With Kit's early aggression, and the corps tendency to double ice servers against her, I figured that she was the the perfect ID for this. The efficiency of CyCy+tinkering means that I can code siphon a two deep R&D early on, tutoring up and installing a big program for cheap.

I added a pretty good spread of code siphon targets, notably femme, torch, and omega. Heck if you can turn one install cycy and code siphon a 1 ice R&D, Opus is even a good target. I decided to go with Lady for barriers since I figured that between torch, omega, femme, and tinkering I didn't need a super permanent solution. The dog ice also synergizes well with test run and scavenge.

I couldn't decide on influence, Femme felt like a no brainer to me, Cujo seemed like an interesting answer to big sentrys, left over I had 5 influence. I decided on Lucky find for burst econ while I'm waiting to get Opus online, and stimhack just in case I absolutely need to get into a server. Would a third femme be better than a stimhack?

The lack of SMC kind of worries me, I can't install a Cujo or Lady midrun if I need...or even quickly find a CyCy if I'm not drawing into it early game. I just didn't feel like it was worth slotting it in with the other tutors that I have. Another potential problem that I can see is the lack of pressure cards, only being RDI and Makers eye.

Hope you guys like the decklist!

15 Nov 2014 Softman25

Only thing that is interesting about Code Siphon is that like Self-modifying Code, you can't install out of hand - so I'm a big fan of your decision to use Test Run as a way of getting things back into the deck from hand, if necessary!