Kate is Full of Surprises

david_annable 161

I've been having a fair bit of success with this deck lately. It's definitely not spectacular against rush corp decks, but I've been seeing lots and lots of glacier-style play lately and this deck does a decent job of handling those.

Film Critic is pure gold and should probably contend for a slot in almost any deck. 1-of makes it a bit unreliable, but with ProCo out, it's not exactly costly to dig for it. This one card is so great at kneecapping PE and Butcher Shop style decks that it's almost painful. Not to mention free(ish) NAPDs! (lets not discount the two-click added cost to add to your score area... but whatever). I've even considered ditching my Plascrete for a 2nd copy.

The combo of Gang Sign (with a few HQ Interfaces) and Woman in the Red Dress is surprisingly potent. Always having a sense for either what is sitting on the top of R&D or what has just been pulled into hand can make it tough for the Corp to decide how to proceed.

The rest is just drip econ with a bit of event burst. Multiaccess by way of HQIs and RDIs. Breakers are fairly standard I think, with a pocked Deus thrown in for big AP ICE.