Medtech Roulette

Diogene 4179

Changes : +1 IPO, -1 Kakurenbo.

This come from a conversation with Johann Roussel on a Theyla youtube (

The idea is to go fast and threated the runner with traps.

Calvin and Nanoetching acat like extras Rashidas. Since they trigger on getting trashed, they have great value.

You play a big shell game here. Making it so that the runner has to make tough choices.

I've favored Bio-Ethic because it impose on the runner a run to trash, which will deplete their clicks. I finish games in 10 turns or less. Kakurenbo is amazing, because the runner will not know if it is coming from archive or HQ.

The CVS is for some virus hate.

Once the runner see a trap, they will be wary. There are no Snare, because I felt it cost too much. Also, I really like Psychic Field as a criminal deterrent.