Get #Blooped [Startup]

Veronica 200

I made this deck on-stream. Is it good? Yeah. Could it be better? Almost certainly.

I was inspired by the legendary Andrej from MetropoleGrid to play a Thule Subsea deck with End of the Line in it. As it turns out this is a pretty bad way to spend your influence in Startup, but it does mean you get to focus on playing Bloop which is, objectively, the best card NSG has ever printed.

It is called Bloop. Your argument is invalid.

Jokes aside, I really like this shell and think there's potential here. The ICE suite isn't too potent but can be quite tricky with some of the on-rez effect and a 3-cost 5-str 3-sub Sentry out of nowhere.

Also I massively underrated Djupstad Grid. That's your wincon. Get some core damage on the runner and force them to come trash this or you're going to score Ontological Dependence off it, scoring 2 points and getting another core damage in the mix.

High score for core damage so far: 10. I saw 11 once but I think that was after the game concluded).

Thanks to everyone who tuned in for the stream, it was a blast, hope to see you again soon.

  • Veronica
12 Dec 2022 Oddball

@Veronica Thanks for sharing your list! I really enjoyed watching your stream and glad you've started making some Netrunner content.

What are your thoughts on cutting an end of line to fit in a few Gaslights?

13 Dec 2022 dnddmdb

Haven't played against this deck in particular but can confirm that a measly 2 core from Djupstad combined with Ontological Dependence is basically a win. This build looks cool!

8 Jan 2023 ggohierroy

Cool deck! Why not Nightmare Archive?