Now You're Thinking with Portals

Lttlefoot 1285

Encrypted Portals gives you money and makes your code gates better.

Chimera covers the other two types of ice. Swordsman prevents them from just using an AI to solve this problem.

Will-o'-the-Wisp removes their decoder so they have to find a new one to play against you. You can recur Will-o' with Archived Memories. Half the agendas are 1 point so it's not the end of the world if you have to trade an agenda for an icebreaker (though you can trick the runner into running on a server with just an asset or upgrade since almost all your agendas can be scored from a face down position).

Memories can also bring Snare back to hand, or fight against mill decks. The net damage in this deck isn't meant to be the main win condition but it will hopefully slow the runner down.