Andy "Jank" Drama

RichNAPD 14

This is based off of a list I saw on here with a few minor changes. BTW it actually works and NO ONE expected it. it's a little slow with setup so fast advance got a step up on it but it catches up FAST.

2 Mar 2015 Navelgazer

This might sound silly, but looking at the Faeries (which I know are great) and Overminds, I might dump the Faeries for two more Uninstalls and a third Same Old Thing and just cycle the Overminds as much as possible.

That could be a crazy idea, though. Dunno. I love the combo of Bagbiter, Ekomind and Overmind, though.

2 Mar 2015 RichNAPD

Faerie is the answer to swordsman. i could see maybe dropping it down to 2 and adding another uninstall though.