All Fear the Day Star!-Fort Collins, Store Champ. 4th Place

Lady Defondleroy 27

First deck I've posted here, I just had to give a shout out to Blue Sun: Powering the Future/Government Takeover! We had two of this archetype in the top 4 and it is a blast to play. I managed to slow-score GT twice and Punitived someone to death with it on turn 4 once. The econ is crazy, as it always is with Blue Sun, with Oversight and Curtain Wall being the most exciting swing and the threat of it was enough to cause the Runner to go in unfavorably a few times. A big high point of the night was scoring two Priority Recs unprotected in the same game, due to the threat of Punitives.

Everything felt high-stakes while playing this deck and it did decently, just watch out for Edward Kim and Stealth-based decks. The first for his general trashing and how fast he can hit and the second because once the ICE no longer taxes effectively, this deck stops being as scary.