Stimshop sux again!

zwergonfire 20

Stimshop with parasites, a datasucker, clone chips, and an extra sentry breaker (ninja). Earthrise for smooth card draw and RDI for winning.

21 Jul 2015 sruman

Sure Gamble's a great card but I'm not sure you need it in a magnum opus deck with 7 ways to get an opus. Since, with an opus out, drawing and playing sure gamble is roughly equivalent to clicking magnum twice ( muddied by the fact that can sometimes draw cards more efficiently than a click ), perhaps be worth trying 3 scavenges over 3 sure gambles. Scavenge goes well with Femme as well. Change might lead you down a fair rat-hole though since scavenges pen up switching study guide for torch and going cerebus's over corroder. On a different note, how about Net Ready eyes as a sorta-replacement for the ninja. Femme + NRE can break many ice -- the 1 - 4 strength (most sentries) -- as cheap or cheaper than Ninja would.