Sage Spirit V.3

cortexjackal 58

This is the latest version of the deck. Still working on better solutions to sentries. Knight is my sentry breaker.This deck hates jinteki but does excellent against most HB and Wayland builds it comes across. You have to play around cortex lock or you will die. So take this deck, stack up the MU and walk into servers with sage + E3. Inject and I've had worse will rip through your stack and you may need to Levy, earlier if playing against lots of net damage. Burst econ because that's my style + data folding because why not?

6 Jun 2015 Pinkwarrior

Since you have so much MU and E3 then it seems to me Overmind would be the solution to most sentry's and you could add the cutlery to deal with the nastier stuff more permanently.

Am not sure the Q-Coherence Chip is such a good idea since if they trash their Knight hosted ICE you lose it. Also i think damage can trigger it as well though id have to check that.