Nasir's Toolbox

Morkins1 2

Nasir definitely seems to be at his best with two key things: recurring credits and credit sinks.

I feel like the best tools that Nasir has access to are: Clone Chip Self-Modifying Code Atman.

Specifically, the interactions between those cards is key. When encountering a piece of ice, the ability to Self-Modifying Code into an Atman that breaks that ice for cheap is absolutely devastating. It dumps all of your credits, and then uses the credits that the Corp had spent to rez the ice to walk right on through the ice. It is back breaking and unbelievably powerful. Meanwhile, you can Clone Chip to retrieve anything that is trashed, or you can just pick up the Self-Modifying Code again to do it again. Automatic 3-of for all three of those cards.

Regarding the rest of the Icebreaker suite, Battering Ram and Gordian Blade do the heavy lifting once the Corp starts to build up Ice. They remain strong through entire runs and they are fantastic credit sinks. Femme Fatale supplements the Atmans to handle Sentry Ice. They are all 1-of because you primarily want to use a toolbox approach where you are using Self-Modifying Code or Test Run to search them up as needed.

For the rest of the programs, we have a one-two punch of Viruses, some recurring credit engines, and then Rook.

Cloak and Sahasrara fund the economy of the deck, allowing us to continue using our Icebreakers and install new programs without worrying to much about our actual credit pool.

Datasucker and Parasite help to control the ice that does build up, either comboing together to trash problem ice, or just helping use the credits we do have to break the rest of the ice effectively. If the corp spends a turn purging virus counters, then we are winning.

Rook is just incredible in this deck. It makes the identity even stronger, and it punishes the corp for placing ice. It also helps to mitigate the impact of Pop-up Window and other small ice during the late game.

Moving on to the Resources, this is where the economy and engine of the deck lives. Kati has always been good, but she is so much better in Nasir than anywhere else. Rather than having a credit pool of your own, you just really need to store credits on Kati. When you need the credits, pull them off Kati and go to town. This keeps the deck running.

Professional Contacts is another strong element. This deck needs to dig through cards quickly and without using credit. Trading Clicks for cards and credits at the same time is what you want to be doing, and this card is key.

Personal Workshop is also key because it allows you to sink your credits into things without over-committing to anything.

Inside Man is the last piece, and it helps to fuel the pretty heavy Hardware suite with recurring credits.

Regarding the Hardware suite, Cyberfeeder is another recurring credit engine, which also helps to install Viruses if needed. The Mem Chips are present to facilitate the MU of the deck. I could see swapping the CyberSolutions chips for Dyson Mem Chips, because the Dyson Mem Chips also help to shore up the vulnerability to Traces. The Toolbox is also extremely key because it provide much needed MU, a buff to your Link to help mitigate traces, and 2 recurring credits. It is absolutely insane for this deck, and does everything that you want it to. As much as I dislike cramming two Plascretes, it is pretty much necessary to not get flatlined by Scorched. Finally, R&D Interface gives some late game reach to get those last points.

Finally, the Events. Three Diesel and one Quality Time, because we want to dig, but we don't want to pay any credits to do it. Two Test Run to help search up the needed programs for the strategy to work.

Overall, Nasir's ability gives you a massive click advantage over the course of the game, and can generate tons of credits. By the mid game, you want to have the Corp in a position where they need to be placing big expensive ice to even hope to stop you. That is when Nasir generates the biggest gains, and it is what makes him dangerous. Against Nasir, the Corp is not going to want to play their expensive ice, so you can just decimate them with your high efficiency Icebreakers until they start popping big ice to stop you. When they start rezzing the big ice, you start to generate a lot of advantage.