Sol Flare v2 (1st Place @ Petrie's Winter Series 2)

CrimsonWraith 3638

Won an 11-player tournament with this deck last night. It's an updated variant of my NEH Scorch build that I was playing several months ago.

I've been playing Scorched Earth and Traffic Accident out of Making News with Draco and Virgo since Order and Chaos was released with a great degree of success. I think that, in a vacuum, that deck is stronger than this deck. However, due to the prominence of NEH AstroBiotics and NEARPAD in our local meta, I feel that this deck is better positioned against the meta to do well than the Making News version is.

Notable changes from the prior version:

  • Snares were removed to make way for Traffic Accidents' influence.

  • Daily Business Show makes its debut in this variant by taking Snares' asset card slots, and it's a huge boon for the deck... There are multiple viable paths to victory with this deck, and DBS helps you seek out whichever piece you're looking for in every scenario.

  • While scoring out via the AstroTrain remains quite viable, I'm decidedly less geared towards doing so in this update, dropping SanSan City Grid down to 2 copies and removing the 2 Fast Tracks.

  • In exchange for the AstroTrain fast advance pieces, I've added in 3 Traffic Accidents... The 2+ tag condition fits perfectly into a deck that was already running Breaking News and Midseason Replacements, and Traffic Accident pre-Scorch helps in avoiding I've Had Worse to set up the flatline.

  • I've dropped Wall of Static, Enigma, Tollbooth, and Rototurret entirely from the ice suite, with Lotus Field, Information Overload, and an extra copy of Data Raven taking their place... Lotus Field gives you a bit of resilience to Parasite recursion decks, Data Raven encourages the Runner to go tag-me, and Information Overload punishes the tag-me Runners.

11 Mar 2015 x3r0h0ur

As stated on stimhack, I run melange and PC in mine, but I also slot 2 city surveillance to help force the runner to stay poor. I know that card gets a lot of hate, but it has been clutch for me in driving a disparity between me and the runner, especially when they exhaust themselves trashing the melange/stealing from a spicy remote.

I also love how this works around IHW, if you miss IHW with traffic accident, scorch is a win fosho (barring handsize improvements).