Deflective Damage

EndGame 1

I started building this deck around the synergy between two cards, "House of Knives" and "Tori Hanzo", as I was a huge fan of the idea of giving the runner Brain Damage any time they ran a server with "Tori Hanzo" installed. Obviously this could easily be avoided on the runners part by simply not running the server with her installed, so I had to build a deck that forced the runner into her server. However, by the end of building this deck it became centered more around making it as hard as possible to steal Agenads by using specific Agendas with abilities that make it harder for them to be stolen, and by keeping the runner out of HQ and R&D.

The main concept behind this deck is to utilize "Replicating Perfection's" ability to force the runner into running a Central Server first, and using "Susanoo-no-Mikoto"/"Mind Game" to force the runner into Archives, where "Tori Hanzo" will be waiting to deal her Brain Damage, as well as some other damage dealing ice such as "DNA Tracker" and "Chiyashi". The primary goal is to have these "Deflector Ice" at the innermost position of HQ and R&D to maximize the amount of credits the runner has to spend, making it less likely for the subroutines to be broken. With the addition of Thimblerig, it will always be possibly to re-arrange the installed ice to guarantee the "Deflector's" are always in these positions.

When it came to picking Agenda's I wanted to make it as difficult as I could for them to be stolen, which led me to choose "Obokata Protocol" for it's mandatory 4 netdamage (unless the runner has some way to mitigate this of course) and "The Future Perfect's" ability to deny the runner from stealing it while it's not installed (usually easier to do in person since you're usually able to gauge how many credits people will spend depending on how costly their deck is to run). "Nisei Mk 2" was an obvious choice for it's low scoring cost and ability to end a run. To help protect these Agendas, a few traps have also been added to the deck in the shape of "Project Junebug" (Works real well with "Mushin No Shin") and "Psychic Field" so that the runner has to think twice about which remote to run if they do manage to do a successful run on a central server.

My first attempt at a legal deck with the cards I have, any feedback would be greatly appreciated as i've only been playing Netrunner for a few months now, with most of those months spent playing with just the original coreset.