Dirty Magic for Degenerates v0.1 (Beta)

Snake Eyes 4651

Ahhhh yesss.

The heyday of Whizzard returns!

Whizzard was my first runner. I did a tag-me Anarch approach that was glorious. First recorded deck is here: http://stimhack.com/store-championship-monster-comic-lounge-2014-14-players/

This one isn't quite so "tag-me", but it still splashes 3 Account Siphons and intends to use Same Old Thing and Déjà Vu to recur them.

Lots of Ice Destruction available... Two card draw engines in Earthrise Hotel and (if need be) Steelskin.

Rocking the Shards as they'll work fine with Eater - Hades Shard to be hit ideally before Keyhole enters the picture.

Keyhole and Medium do indeed synergize together in an interesting way. Harvest a tonne of tokens with Keyhole runs then let loose with Medium, possibly with Demolition Run support.

Wanton Destruction to help take out HQ cards. Seems to work off Eater as well!

There's a possible need to squeeze in a little more economy here. I don't really want to put Day Job in this deck, but it might be something that needs to be considered later on.

Grimoire is handy for the viruses, but not really necessary.

25 Feb 2015 PaxCecilia

Have you tested this out? It looks like a powerful list. Plus awesome thematically. Whizzard + Grimoire + Gravedigger = Necromancer build!

25 Feb 2015 Snake Eyes

Sadly enough I haven't given this the opportunity to see the light of day just yet. I've been having too much fun with Quetzal: Free Spirit to deconstruct her.

I think that it this deck might actually be stronger if I shed the resources, add in cutlery and yogs - and just go full-on ICE/Everything destruction while allowing it to go tag-me. Maybe even with Data Leak Reversal and Joshua B. support. Wanton Destruction becomes that much more painful if an extra click off of Joshua B. is available. I don't think anymore than 1 Gravedigger is worth it, since it requires most of a turn to work. I do like the idea of having alternative mill conditions - be they Data Leak Reversal, Wanton Destruction, Keyhole, and Gravedigger.

It might be more worthwhile to add in some Clone Chips to Parasite+Datasucker down ICE on the fly too. Focusing on pure destruction could be fun.

D4v1d probably needs to be making an appearance here too to counter all that Cosmic ICE for cheaps.