Fenton Jank-national

Fentonizer 336

Took this to a local GNK and it did well. 3-1 on the day, and it did well in testing too.

UPDATE 25/08/15- Took it to Oxford and it went 2-1 in a three round swiss, with both a scorch win and scoring out. It definitely is too rich. Playing a restructure on 30+ credits feels like a total waste of time. Thinking of taking out the snatch and grab and 1 restructure for 2 of something more useful. Interns for ice recursion maybe (damn you, parasite).


This has got to be the Weyland agenda spread now. You can go to 10 agendas and take out the extra Hostile Takeover, but you need them for the money and the Archer.

Oaktown Grid is a massive "come at me bro" which you can use to bait a run for the SEA Scorched without losing the money.

Project Atlas in Titan is obviously godlike, letting you get the card you need at the start of your turn. It's Fast Track if you need it to be, it lets you find the SEA Source, the 2nd Scorched Earth, the Snatch and Grab to kill a loaded Kati Jones... it's just too good.

2 High-Risk Investment is a ...risk, so get your R&D protected. If I've lost, it's been to this getting topdecked at the worst possible time.


The more I think about it, the less I like GRNDL Refinery, install, advance, advance, trash is 4 of your clicks over 2 turns for a net gain of 6 credits. That's actually rubbish. It starts becoming good at IAA-AAT, when you make a 12 credit gain over 6 clicks. It's real value for me is to bait a run.

"Oh, crap a 4/2 or 5/3; better try and get that!"

"Oh, it's just GRNDL... balls."

"Oh no, I've been SEA Sourced."

"Oh no, I've been double Scorched"

"Oh no, I've put all my cards in the bin."


And now, a brief interlude

Psalm 23

JACKSON is my shepherd, I shall not be in want. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he restores my soul. He guides me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake. Even though I walk through The Valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your draw and your recursion, they comfort me. You prepare a board-state before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my archives when my cup overflows. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of JACKSON forever.


Mark Yale makes the Hostile Takeoverworth an extra 4 credits, as you rez him for 1, spend the agenda token on it for 3 gain, then trash him for another 2.

Crisium Grid because I'm terrified of Account Siphon or Maker's Eye recursion.


Hedge Fund A useless card that only sees play because it's really hard for the corp to find card slots 47, 48 and 49. Would replace with Burke Bugs if I needed more ICE.

Power Shutdown Play this for 0, 1 or 2 if you want to get rid of something like SMC, Clone Chip or what have you. Play for more if you have a Jackson ready. Play it for 5 and I'll come over to your house and high-five you.

Restructure might be overkill. Thinking of swapping. But sometimes the game is going to come down to a money race, and this is definitely a card that does that thing I just said.

Scorched Earth s'alright I guess.

SEA Source Broken card. Run, lose. Don't run, lose.

Snatch and Grab This can be literally anything else, and might even be better as ICE. I put it in as a involuntary reason to seeing Film Critic, before realising that card is useless against this deck. What can I say? I am not a bright man.


Eli 1.0 and Spiderweb are your Corroder and Lady hate respectively.

Enigma is Enigma. Wendigo is a card you put in after weeping for 20 minutes about how Order and Chaos was a complete pile of BS for Weyland.

Archer is amazing. We all know this. What else can I say?

Data Raven makes any runner looking it and then looking at the green ID and then looking at it again turn into Homer_Hedge.gif

Ichi 1.0 has always been my most favourite ice ever. Splashed in Weyland it's brutal and it's also your new favourite Fause hate card.

Taurus because there might be some runner playing like it's 2014 and running plascrete, but getting rid of a console is also always really sweet.

Chimera because paying 2 to keep a runner out early to score that Hostile Takeover or Project Atlas is a fair price.


Ice centrals, wait, make one remote, wait, make money, wait. A lot of turns are "install, 2 credits." and that's fine. Score Hostile Takeover out of hand, Archer where you need it most, make a brutal server of Ichi, Spider Web and a Data Raven. Shout COME AT ME, BRO when you slap an Oaktown down. Let them take it, Scorch them.