Jinteki megt grinder Beta 0.1

x3r0h0ur 8956

This is a hypothesis deck that seeks to make only 1 remote. Built with lots of ice to protect the servers, with varied strength, should be able to stack servers deep. Economy might need reworked, but not all ice has to be rezzed, just the relevant ice. The key is to stick brain damage and make junebug more scary, or rez a hiro at the end of the runner's turn to put them at negative hand size.

2 Hiro's might go in later revisions, if this proves to be 'too much ice'

No snare because it doesn't feel probably to flatline, and I have more R&D protection than most jinteki decks, so using snare for R&D defense (which is questionable anyway) isn't relevant.

I'm trying to bring something new to the jinteki library of archetypes, let me know what you think, any glaring issues, please let me know, this is the result of about 10 minutes of thinking, so surely there will be corrections.