This is what Weyland considers as a trap. It either had to end the run or make money. Given that it is an asset, it could not end the run so we have to live with the money.

GRNDL Refinery is not a bad card. The only issue with it is that if you could get this card to net you 10+ credits, you could also have advanced and scored a 4-advancement agenda. And the windows in which you can do this are not that large nor that common. This makes this card as a great tool to learn where the windows for scoring are in your games. The other thing about this card is that it is a great way to force runs from the runner through a thick server. Still, there are better cards to have the runner run out of money (Reversed Accounts).

I believe that we have moved on for our economy to more operations and advertisements. This card still has its niche where it shines though. Play it in decks with bonuses for advancing cards, like Oberth Protocol, Dedication Ceremony or Tennin Institute: The Secrets Within.

There's another problem; it's not even very good money most of the time. Say you play it out (as you suggest) like a four-advancement agenda. It costs you 5 clicks (IAAATrash) to net 9 money after you factor in the cost of advancing. In the event that you want to use a remote to make slow, unwieldy money and bait a run, Melange Mining Corp is probably better (it's a smaller payoff, but doesn't require pre-emptive advancement and baits a run even after you fire it). As Melange isn't generally thought of as great, that's a pretty damning comparison. On top of that, it's also comparible to Melange in the way that its low trash cost makes R&D porous. The only thing that makes it worth considering IMO is if your deck is already running two or three Dedication Ceremonies. If that's the case then a one-of GRNDL could be a nice suprrise boost. —

Now that this card is no longer on the most wanted list, a new day is breaking for this fracter. In the world after the first rotation, the second core and the first banlist, your options for fracters are limited. You will need to compare this to the superstar fracter of the day, which is Paperclip. The comparison to paperclip:


  • Cheaper to break low to middle-strength barriers.


  • Limited uses.

  • No recursive ability such as in paperclip.

  • The strongest barriers are easier to deal with with paperclip.

This card is not going to beat paperclip as a splash, but within Shaper it has a chance. It is still the super efficient breaker it has always been. It is also suited for the shaper nonsense such as Scavenge, or with Brahman to reset it. I think this card has a place in many shaper decks that want to spend their influence elsewhere. When you play Lady, you will find that the drawbacks aren't all that bad. The limited uses mean that eventually you will need to find a second copy, but most games will not go to the third copy. That might sounds like Lady is expensive, but that is not really the case. What you are actually doing, is paying the breaking of barrier subroutines in advance.


This card may see more play now that it's natural predator, Yog.0, is no longer part of the core set. It was not a bad card even when Yog.0 was around. Two subroutines that block and bite, cheap to rez and expensive to break if you do not have a Yog.0 on hand.

Okay, sure, the subroutines will often tax clicks instead. This is still a really big deal! The runner can only lose a couple of clicks before they are really lagging behind the corp. And what does one do when you are running behind? Take greater risks. Running into a Viktor 1.0 when you cannot pay its clicks is very punitive for a three cost piece of ICE.

It might be time for this bad boy to come out of the binder again now that it can't be blanked by Yog.0..


So this card survived the rotation now that it is in the new core set. This piece of ice is not the easiest sell. The general consensus was that this card doesn't do enough. That is to say, compare and contrast this ice with a code gate that just ends the run.

On the bright side, you pay a measly three credits for 5 strength and two subroutines. This is a good rate. The drawbacks is that if need be, the runner can click through this ice and the two subroutines do not do anything if the runner isn't going to access multiple cards.

This makes this ice very niche. You would run this to turn off multi-access on R&D or HQ. The problem there is that it won't stop the runner in a high-value run with The Maker's Eye or Deep Data Mining. In addition, for the purpose of R&D and HQ multi-access, Crisium Grid would do a better job.

The one place where hudson shines is in decks that build remotes with multiple cards in it. If the runner does not break it, they will not be able to trash your defensive upgrade and steal the agenda that your defensive upgrade is protecting.

One thought I keep having is Hudson might fit well as a cheap archives ice to slow the speed that agendas can be stolen after flood or milling. Allowing later retrieval with Preemptive Action, Archived Memories or similar, that's it's probable intent. —
The multicard remote and archives synergy is really nice! Installing Wetwork Refit on it too would give it a bite and still be insanely efficient. —

Paige thins your deck at a very low cost. There are decks that try to do similar things with Bazaar and Replicator to great success. The reason why you have not seen Paige do similar things is because it is looking for a very specific deck construction. You do not want to run Paige in a deck with Daily Casts, Armitage Codebusting and similar economy cards if your plan is to use a resource based economy.

The idea with Paige is that you are going to make up for anarchs lack of draw by thrashing your deck and finding your ideal rig as soon as possible. You need to define your end goal, like a board with Maw, Bhagat and The Turning Wheel. Essentially, Paige is how you can churn through your entire deck looking for this combination of cards.

The drawback to Paige is that you might not have a back-up of a card when it gets destroyed by the corp. You are inherently less safe through the use of Paige, but with some skill in evaluating which cards you may want to keep duplicates around for, this can be mitigated. The other drawback is that your deck will need to run three copies of the cards that matter to it. You will want to run three Bhagats, three The Turning Wheels, etc.

So here are some interesting combinations:

Street Peddler allows you to use Paige on the corp's turn, and so does any other card that installs on the corp's turn like DaVinci.

NetChip, Ramujan-reliant 550 BMI and Spy Camera can thin up to 5 cards with Paige Piper.

Frantic Coding has a strange interaction with paige. When frantic coding installs a card, you can trigger paige to look for copies to discard. This shuffles your deck where those 9 other cards are still located, meaning that you lose track of these and don't need to trash any of the 9 other cards. A very strange and mostly undesirable effect, considering that you want your toys in the heap when you are playing anarch. But hey, it could be useful in some circumstances. A free bonus is a still a bonus.