Armitage might require a re-examination in the post-Revised Core/Boggsian MWL world. Decks that benefit from Magnum Opus, but need a different Restricted card for its strategy will likely resort to the old Core 1.0 standby for their econ.

The fact that runners in general have become a lot poorer post-rotation certainly helps increase AC's esteem.


Here in 2017, three years after its last review, Rototurret might as well be a green card. Putting this into a Skorpios Defense Systems: Persuasive Power deck is inherently synergistic: not only a relatively cheap ETR gearcheck, but one that immediately sends the runner panicking for alternatives to the icebreaker they just lost. As the new Weyland ID works right around the ubiquity of heap recursion, it changes Rototurret from a temporary low-strength inconvenience to a potential game-ending threat right off the bat.

Sure, there's still Parasite. On the other hand, now they just lost their Parasite...

Weyland has it's own alternatives to this one. HB any the big W are the two destroyer fractions, after all. Aside from some fine basic choices in neutral, they both got a variety of tools at hand for all kinds of program-trashing needs. Scorpios can just add some Cobras and Sappers as gearchecks and then there's no need for Rototurret. Maybe add something heavy like Archer, Grim, Bulwark, Assassin or Colossus... —
Besides - if Scorpios wanted Rototurret... it's 1 inf. 1 inf. —
The nice thing about Rototurret though, is that after it trashes the runners program (forever in Skorpios) it then acts as a simple EtR. You can then score out behind it. —

You know what happens if you leave an Ice Wall on the board with Anson Rose piling up the tokens for a few turns?

You get the Great Wall of Weyland.

It's an annoyingly effective two-card combo, keeping a one-cred piece of ice relevant even way late into the game.

I'd like to give this review a "like", but the button appears broken. :< —
Same for me! I opened an issue on github —
A workaround is to click the like button on the review on the card page itself. Somehow that does work. —
Aha! It really does. Time to get to liking stuff. —
21-strength Ice Wall saved my ass. — format review.

Piloted this in DFW Texas's start of a onesies-variant league to interesting effect ("signature" addendum to MWL rules, prohibiting the use of certain cards out of faction, minus with The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge). There were a few places I slipped up, design approaches I could do better, but Apex: Invasive Predator shines in such a deliberately restrictive format.

Mostly because everybody else is similarly restricted. Thus the danger. Under standard constructed formats, tools against Apex's gameplan are fairly easy to access, limiting its danger. Under, the ICE and effects you'd normally rely upon aren't necessarily on-hand. The countermeasures you'd normally run to keep Prey from trashing its way through your defenses -- they aren't there.

Of note: I'd decided to squeeze in Dirty Laundry over e3 Feedback Implants in my approach, favoring Always Be Running instead of e3s, and that proved fortuitous. Apex isn't necessarily money-hungry, but having spare change to trash resources is welcomed. And if you're only running Endless Hunger instead of a more traditional icebreaker suite, you're going to run into ice without ETR subroutines for you to work e3 magic with. ABR, on the other hand, is agnostic to subroutine text or ice type, and makes it easier to safely push a Prey through.

Definitely consider a recursion gameplan, though. Not sure if the Déjà Vus are cutting it. I'm getting rreeaally close to decking myself in every game thus far. Levy AR Lab Access costs so much influence, though...


Just Reboot your systems and go on

This might need some thinking over, but Theophilius Bagbiter in combination with Data Folding is a very interesting long-term setup into a potential CI7-style combo. What sort of runner-side Notrunner can be played with a massive stack of cash and an even larger pile of cards in hand...?

Ultimately, it's usually easier to load up a Kati Jones and unload it when you play Bagbiter. Emptying your credit pool makes this card pretty rubbish without a quick way of making it back. If you go to the decklists featuring this card you can see lists exactly like that. —