To me, what this card does is this:

"Sneakdoor" into R&D. This should help you get to 3+ points. When you or the corp enter the midgame, this card accelerates, allowing you to get even more agendas. This means that the more you steal, the more you get.

However, you have to remove the tag or else the corp will trash it. However, there are advantages to taking the tag, assuming you're using Sebastiao. Now you can slam “Pretty” Mary da Silva onto the table and then remove the tag. This should be a game-closing situation.

In summary, I think this is a really insane card that looks like a hybrid between Medium and Sneakdoor Beta.

My rating: 6/10? 7/10? can't tell how to rate it because it's hard to tell unless you play it.


I don't know about this, but it looks a little OP to me. Maybe it should cost 2? since it only triggers when you access at least 2 cards during the run, you always get 3+ accesses. Take for example R&D Interface, which costs 4 to install. that one is perfectly balanced. This on the other hand, costs only 1 provided you are already getting extra accesses. Also it's only 1 influence, meaning you can import it into other decks easily. R&D Interface is 2 influence and is balanced.

In my opinion, this would be fine at 2 install cost and MAYBE 2 influence.


Update: It's fine as is. Well balanced!

R&D Interface is form 2013, balance was different back than. Mary da Silva is balanced out mostly by how limited all the other multi-access option are you can combine it with.

I've never used this card before but it's clearly broken. Here's why:

Hard-Hitting News was an extremely broken card. This card was notorious for breaking the game. This card is not much different, except for the fact that it's better, because you don't need to win a trace anymore. Now the runner either uses their whole turn removing tags or they'll die to End of the Line or get slammed with Hypoxia. (Compare this concept with BOOM!) Also NBN: Reality Plus is crazy enough.


Well, in the case of HHN the condition was doing a successful run. Here the runner needs to either trash or steal. Also HHN could land in turn 2 full 4 tags. Here to land the 4 tags you need to wait until thread 3 so the runner (may) have some tools do defend themself

Hello, Everyone, welcome to "Netrunner Cards That Have Been Rebooted!" @TheBigBoy has made this great reboot project that rebalances the cards. You can check out his website here: (The cardpool is only up to D&D because mumbad and later is mostly broken. He makes his own packs that select cards from those packs.) Noise is overpowered. @Thebigboy has made a wise choice of nerfing him to 10 influence.

You can see the nerfed version here. (You will have to click on the link. You can see other changed cards there too.)

I hope you all take a look at this great project.




This card can be used in a pointless combo.

Use this card to gain the money and lose a click.

Use Joshua B. to gain the click back again.

Use New Angeles City Hall to pay the money you got from hard at work to avoid the tag from Josh.

Try it out!