When I first saw this ID, can’t help wondering what makes it unique.Just as Diogene cleverly pointed out,A Teia: IP Recovery is an ID which grants corporations with a huge amount of tempo.However,when I dive into it deeper, I find out what really makes A Teia: IP Recovery shines:flexibility.

Considering the current jinteki card pool and IDs. AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World is designed for a glacier based strategy.Jinteki: Restoring Humanity is suitable for sneaking out agendas.Jinteki: Personal Evolution is the home to some of the most dangerous decks.Issuaq Adaptics: Sustaining Diversity has some of the most amazing combos to out pace the runners.

If you took a closer look at A Teia: IP Recovery, you might find some interesting clues.A Teia: IP Recovery is possible to host all the strategy above (glacier,rush,fast advance,kill,sneak).Thanks to the double install, A Teia: IP Recovery grants us..Jinja City Grid help build two tower at once.The two servers can serve as a perfect Fork to host Urtica Cipher and Clearinghouse ,whlie also making Regenesis much easier to fire.Combined with some R&D protection , it would make the pass to victory much smoother for a jinteki player.Not to mention jinteki has the best card recursion ,as well as some of the best encounter effects .

This is what A Teia: IP Recovery is good at:tactics ,combos and endless variations.Runners can never out guess what is in server. This is the essence of jinteki.This is the reason why A Teia: IP Recovery is my favorite identity.