A high initial cost, but zero spent after that. You cannot up the strength, which means you need to pair it with some means of strength-boosting like The Personal Touch or Dinosaurus to get past stronger stuff. Other options are with Datasucker, Ice Carver, or a combo with Parasite.

I love to pair this with Rielle "Kit" Peddler: Transhuman and Dinosaurus. Get past all but the staunchest code gates and force the Corp to go deep quickly to negate her ability. With a Paintbrush, this card is a monster.


Party hard and pull everything out of your deck in half the time. It is very useful with the hand space through Public Sympathy, but it also works when you simply need to up your aggression. However, it is a mandatory effect that you can only remove with Aesop's Pawnshop, so keep at least one handy in any deck that runs this. Nothing is more sad than having 3 clicks as a runner with zero cards in your deck.

When using with Order and Chaos cards, think hard before using Day Job in any deck with this. The two cannot be used together, so use other event economy such as Liberated Account or Lucky Find.

Edit 4/29/15: Now you can combine this with Adjusted Chronotype to keep all of your clicks and still have the card draw. From Breaker Bay onward, this combo is amazing for any Anarch deck that needs more draw power. The influence cost of the combo is steep for other factions, however.

Chop Bot is also a valid in-faction option for trashing Wyldside. Aesop is probably still the more common option, though. —

A very situational card, as much as I want to like it. Averages to 1.5 and 1 card per click, which isn't fantastic, especially considering it is a double. In Weyland Core, it gets better at 2 profit per click. Green Level Clearance is better from a moneymaking perspective, and it is less influence, so if your deck is tight on influence I recommend that card first.

Overall, skip it unless you are core set Weyland Consortium: Building a Better World. This ID lets you get additional efficiency from the card, and since that Weyland ID is event heavy, excessive card draw is not a bad thing. You will be glad to have additional draw sources when you burn through two moneymaking events a turn, especially one that gives you money.


A fantastic addition to a Weyland kill deck. If you are aiming to murder the runner, the bad pub if you fail to score it isn't going to be a huge problem for you. This and Scorched Earth will be enough to demolish almost any runner's hand. The card denial is nice for any Weyland deck, but the potential downsides aren't worth it for an advancement-focused deck.

Vulcan Coverup is best used when kept advanced on the table and forgotten. If you manage to fire three of them at once, everybody is basically dead. Also, good for wearing down these Plascretes. —

The executive that no Corp can live without. Free to rez, gives 2 cards per click, has a fairly steep trash-to-rez ratio, is one influence and can bring cards back from the dead. Almost every corporation deck can benefit from this card, even just to bring back trashed operations. This card is like Wyldside and Déjà Vu for the cost of free.

Never give a Gorman Drip v1 a single token. Save up a couple influence points as a Corp for Mr. Howard, you won't regret it.