This seems like a really good decoder for criminals. Let's compare it to an old shaper staple, ZU.13 Key Master!

Cat's Cradle costs 1 more to install, but assuming that the corp rezzes at least one code gate, it will cost them at least 1 extra, so that's probably a wash. (Or straight-up in the runner's favor, if the corp has to rez several code gates.)

It doesn't have ZU.13's possibility for costing 0, but honestly, very few decks actually used that anyway - ZU.13 was played a lot just for it's cheap setup cost, as a way to pass cheap gearcheck codegates. Honestly, I think Cat's Cradle might actually be better than ZU.13 in most decks!

Now admittedly, the ICE landscape is a lot different these days. Back then, codegates back then were almost all either:

These days though, things like Fairchild 3.0 or DNA Tracker are a lot more common, so 1 strength decoders with 1:1 strength/break costs have a lot more work cut out for them.

But still - the fact that there's a criminal decoder is in the same ballpark as a decoder from "the decoder faction" is probably noteworthy. Criminal! You've come such a long way since the days of Peacock and Leviathan!


Fun fact, couple with Revolver and Corroder, you would be well on the way to have lots of 2c cost cards to use with Khusyuk.

What's to say? It's basically a reprint of Cyberdex Virus Suite, except now it's in Jinteki, and costs 1 less to trash.

The damage bit is interesting, but a little weird. It only functions if Mavirus is installed and rezzed. Since it costs 0 to trash, it will rarely survive direct contact with the runner. So I'm not sure why you'd ever spend 3 to rez it. If you actually wanted to use it to purge viruses, you'd just rez it right before you fired it off. And rezzing while the runner is about to access is weird, since 3 is not a great price for only one net damage - the runner is unlikely to ever commit to accessing a facedown Jinteki card at 0 cards in hand. (Urtica Cipher exists, after all!)

So in most cases it feels like a slightly worse Cyberdex - cheaper to trash, and it costs influence for anyone who isn't Jinteki. It's worse in most cases, but not much worse. Even so though, Clot still exists. Aumakua still exists. Cyberdex was a very important card for good reason, and many of those reasons are still around, so I suspect this card will still see plenty of play.


Also, the trigger to purge virus counters works when its accessed in archives, unlike some other Ambushes.

the virus counter purge triggering in archives is more important than one might think

bugger, I hit enter too early. [...] one might think. It essentialy causes the archives to be a no-go zone for any runner heavily relying on virus programs

I'm not super-impressed with this card. It seems like it does two moderately-useful things, poorly. It's either a worse Diesel, or a single power token somewhere. At the moment, the only place a single power token is likely to be worth a whole card, is on the boat. And even there, it's iffy - it's not even a full boat activation. Just half of one.

(Also it bugs me that they didn't bother to write out what the "charge" keyword means. Did they just forget? It's not like they ran out of room on the card!)

It's tempting to say "oh well if you don't need it for the token you can just turn it into cards" but I think it's important to appreciate just how terrible it is if you use it for cards. Diesel is balanced on a knife's edge. Since as runner, each card is roughly worth , by the time you draw and then play Diesel, you are basically paying for worth of value. So there's a definite profit there!

On the other hand though, if you only get two cards out of it (because, say, instead of diesel, you played Stoneship Chart Room and took the cards) then you are basically paying for . Dead neutral, no actual profit. Basically just replaces itself and the effort it took to draw.

Now, netrunner being netrunner, there are still cases where you might really want to draw some cards quickly, on the corp's turn, so taking the cards isn't all bad. But I'm still not wild about it. Maybe if combined with Tech Trader or Reaver?

Update: As was pointed out in the comments, Tech Trader is rotated out now, so that's not even a great option. :(

Further update: Corps are getting spikier, and having played around with it a bit more, I'm starting to appreciate the ability to clicklessly draw two cards in an emergency, during the corp's turn. Also, as of Midnight Sun, there are more tempting targets to add power counters to besides just Endurance and Earthrise Hotel. Upgrading my opinion of the card to "Solid".


And tech trader is rotating out with mumbad this cycle, so its kinda mid at best. With the rotation of geist earlier + this now its mid at best imo.

I'm not sure what I think of this card.

On one hand, it's cheap. And it's tempting to run multiples, because it's the sort of card that you want to get rolling as early as possible for maximum value. But on the other hand, it's also unique, so after the first one, the rest are dead draws. (Unless you somehow let the kitty die, like some kind of monster.)

More importantly, I'm not sure if any of the cards that charge up with power counters are strong enough for this to be a worthwhile include. Except, of course, the boat. Boat counters seem valuable enough that even if you only got 2 or 3 counters from Daeg, it's still worth it. I mean, would you pay 1 for a card that just let you break 2 subs on a piece of ice, regardless of strength? I feel like I would. And Daeg will probably let you do that, over the course of the game. (Although that being said, Rejig can give you 2-3 boat tokens right now if you're low, and costs 0...)

It is part of a combo though - Daeg is worthless if you don't have the boat on the board, and at an eye-watering 8 boat-fee, (boats aren't cheap!) you may not get full value out of Daeg. (Although it's worth remembering that even if you don't have a boat yet, he can let you stay longer in expensive hotels.)

Still though - boat tokens are super good, and so anything that can give you multiple tokens is probably worthwhile, even if it is part of a combo. And it is a kitty. What are you going to do, just... not put the kitty in your deck?


GNU netcat is one of the foundational networking tools that IT uses to setup, configure, and test networks. Cute reference here.


gah sometimes I hate how the Enter key works...

anyway, GNU netcat is exactly what I was referencing, and you're the first person I've seen to mention it!

Aww yeah, big-rig shaper is back, baby!

I really like this card. I love how it's big and ridiculous and expensive, but powerful enough that it might actually be worth the cost. I love the idea that a "console" is just whatever electronics rig you have for interfacing the net, and that it doesn't have to be small or practical, or not a boat. I love the theme, that Captain Padma is just as much a hacker as, say, Noise, but that she does it by directly messing with undersea cables instead of net-surfing to music in loud clubs. I even love the dumb pun intrinsic in the card. (It's an icebreaker ship! Get it? Get it??) All in all, this is exactly the kind of card that I am predisposed to like.

So how does it actually stack up in the game?

Well, to start off, this is probably the craziest console since Security Nexus. And I think this one is probably the better of the two, to be honest. Auto-breaking two subroutines (and ignoring strength) is really powerful. It will get you past most ice, so it's almost as good as security nexus's effect. But with the added benefits that:

  • It costs no credits to operate (once you shell out 8 to get it on the board at least...)
  • You can stockpile a bunch of tokens and do it multiple times per turn
  • The corp has no input into the process - it's not a trace; it's just spending tokens and is entirely under the runner's control

Of course, breaking two subs is not QUITE as good as completely bypassing the ice, and you still have to contend with on-encounter effects like Tollbooth etc. But even so, very few pieces of ice have more than two must-break subs. Even if you take some net-damage along the way or whatever, you'll most likely get in. (And if you break all the subs, you can make use of effects like Hippo!)

Also similar to Security Nexus, this card is clearly at its best with some supporting cards, and probably with a specific ID. This is obviously Captain Padma's boat, and her ability works well with it - if you focus on R&D, then between the console's ability and her own, you can get two tokens from a single run. Which means that, unless they install and res two pieces of ice on R&D, you can probably get in once per turn, every turn, even if you haven't installed any breakers yet. And of course things like Daeg, First Net-Cat, or Into the Depths can help give it charges beyond that.

Naturally, if you drop Padma on the table though, they're going to ICE up R&D, since that's your obvious target. (Also because, you know, you're playing shaper...) But even without her ability, the console can recharge itself just through successful runs, which can be anywhere. Go checking archives because Jinteki is threatening Regenesis? Power token. Checking a naked remote? Power token. Surprise running on HQ because their hand is getting fat? It may surprise you to learn - Power token. Because you can (and should!) still build a regular rig. What the boat gives you is an incredible backup plan, if some scary (or expensive) ice shows up unexpectedly.

So let's talk synergies. In general terms, there are two main classes of cards that Endurance really benefits from:

Stuff that gives you power counters: The boat runs on power counters, so any way you can boost the number of boat counters you get is good.

  • Captain Padma Isbister: Intrepid Explorer is the obvious choice - this is her console, so she naturally synergizes with it extremely well.
  • Daeg, First Net-Cat seems fine, especially if you have other stuff for him to charge up if you draw him before the boat. (Earthrise Hotel for example.)
  • Into the Depths can give you power counters, as well as other useful effects.
  • Rigging Up and Stoneship Chart Room can both provide tokens also, but I'm not as wild about those. Reviews on those cards go into more depth, but in short - There just aren't a lot of targets that make full use of Rigging Up, and it requires you to draw it before you install Endurance to be useful. And Stoneship Chart Room just doesn't feel like it does enough to justify a card slot.
  • Rejig actually might be worth including here, especially if you have other cards that you might want to reset. (Propeller maybe?) Even by itself, you can use Rejig as a 0-cost way to restart your boat (with 3 counters!) if you ever let it get down to 0. Three boat power counters for a 0-cost card might actually be worth it, honestly...

Stuff that gives you extra benefit from running: Since you need to make runs to charge up the boat, you might as well get extra stuff in the process! Some highlights:

  • Into the Depths has a lot of potential, since you can use Endurance to break past ice pretty safely, and then use Into The Depths to dig out and install whatever breaker you find out you need. And of course you can use it to get credits or power counters. If you can trigger even two of its effects, you're getting a ton of value out of a 1 event.
  • Leech is a classic - it doesn't directly give you credits, but it makes future runs cheaper. (Since you will want an actual breaker suite of some sort - the boat is probably not going to be your primary breaker - just a way to take the edge off the really expensive stuff.)
  • Aumakua has some very nice synergy. (And even fits the nautical theme!)
  • DreamNet might be worth it, although you only get the card draw since you're not digital.
  • Pinhole Threading gives you some good value out of running minimally protected remotes.
  • Deuces Wild doesn't exactly fit here, but it gives you a run, and an extra charge on Aumaka if you're using it, (as well as some other useful effect) so it's probably worth considering as well.
  • Standard multiaccess (The Maker's Eye, Legwork, Conduit, etc) is always welcome.

Also, special bonus shoutout to Jak Sinclair who gives you a free run every turn. And the downside (can't use icebreakers) is mitigated greatly when you have a boat that can break ice for you.

I think this card is going to be strong enough to have some very fun decks built around it. I don't know if the meta is going to be slow enough to allow decks that need time to drop an 8 console, but if it is, this is going to be a powerhouse. And even if not, I predict some serious fun jank as people try to make it work. But really, that effect is strong enough that I'll be surprised if it doesn't have at least some presence.

Happy sailing!