Game Day

Game Day 1[credit]

Event: Double
Influence: 3

As an additional cost to play this event, spend [click].

If you have fewer cards in your grip than your maximum hand size, draw cards until you have cards in your grip equal to your maximum hand size.

Illustrated by Matt Zeilinger
Decklists with this card

Breaker Bay (bb)

#26 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
Breaker Bay

No rulings yet for this card.


Little Combo on the fly:

1- Install Theophilius Bagbiter. You'll now lose all your credits, but don't worry.

2- Unload charged Kati Jones . You should have a least 15-18 credits, which means 5 or 6 turns charging

3/4- Play Game Day . Draw more than 10 cards

Profit :)

You have now half of your deck in you hand in one turn.

Prevent all decks based on hand size reduction (Valley Grid, Gyri Labyrinth, Chairman Hiro)

Prevent all brain, net and meat damage by the shear number of cards in your grip.

Carry on!

(Breaker Bay era)
Closed accounts would hit hard here tho —
Snatch & Grab -> autolol —


Potentially the best card draw to fill back up after a damaging run or to prepare for a turn when you expect a counterstrike.


Only useful compared to "click to draw a card" if you are drawing 3 cards or more, but if you are only getting three cards, you might as well use a Diesel.
High influence compared to Quality Time and even Diesel


Fluff is a bit of a turn off for some.
Unlike Quality  Time or Diesel this card does not work well for the start of a turn when you want to be drawing to have as many options as you can manage.
Clearly in the Data Pack with Hayley Kaplan and  Comet for a reason as they will need lots of card draw to run smoothly.
Still not enough to make starlight funding crusade change status from "Mistake" to "Situational at best."
(The Source era)
I have been having trouble getting an edit to stick: Pros: Potentially the best card draw to fill back up after a damaging run or to prepare for a turn when you expect a counterstrike. With more and more hand size increasing cards recently, ([Origami](/en/card/06074), [Beach Party](/en/card/08031)) this can potentially be the fastest, cheapest way to draw cards. More than [Duggar's](/en/card/06054), or even [Earthrise Hotel](/en/card/06120). Cons: Only useful compared to "to draw a card" if you are drawing 3 cards or more, but if you are only getting three cards, you might as well use a [Diesel](/en/card/01034). High influence compared to [Quality Time](/en/card/02087) and even [Diesel](/en/card/01034). Each Brain damage reduces the use of this card slightly. Unless you have a hand size increaser already installed before you use the 2needed, to get good use out of this card, it has to be either the last card in your hand or the second to last card in your hand... situational. Thoughts: Fluff is a bit of a turn off for some. Unlike [Quality Time](/en/card/02087) or [Diesel](/en/card/01034) this card does not work well for the start of a turn when you want to be drawing to have as many options as you can manage. Clearly in the Data Pack with [Hayley Kaplan: Universal Scholar](/en/card/08025) and [Comet](/en/card/08027) for a reason as they will need lots of card draw to run smoothly. Still not enough to make [Starlight Crusade Funding](/en/card/04069) change status from "Mistake" to "Situational at best." —
  1. Have a deck based on many different programs (Exile: Streethawk and The Professor: Keeper of Knowledge builds come to mind)
  2. Play Freelance Coding Contract
  3. Trash your hand to gain at least 8 creds (could be more if you've got a bigger hand already)
  4. Play Game Day
  5. Run last cli... joking, of course ;-)
(Order and Chaos era)
I've tested the card in an OTK combo-deck [url=]here[/url]. Works pretty well —

A very odd card. As noted by goldstep below, this card compares unfavourably with other shaper draw cards if you assume a normal handsize. Thinking in terms of value analysis, this is a card that is only ever better than a Diesel or Quality Time if it is the only card in your hand (and only marginally so then) and is worse in every other situation. Thinking of how it might perform in a real match situation, it is even worse - the cost of having a card in your deck which is very, very often dead is massive, especially when that card is an 'economy' card you're relying on to make the rest of your deck more efficient - often you play a draw card because you're digging for answers you need right now, and the extra click makes game day far worse in that situation.

It is obvious, then, that the card's real reason to be is as an engine piece in combo decks which shoot for a ludicrous handsize - get your hand size boosters out and play this to draw everything else you need. Bish, bash bosh. In those decks, however, this card's influence is going to be a pretty substantial downside considering that at the moment, the cards Game Day wants to play with - Origami, Ekomind, and Bagbiter - are in crim and anarch. This looks to be a cautious piece of design from Fantasy Flight, with one eye on making sure any wacky runner combo decks won't be super competitive.

Somebody, somewhere is going to draw 20 cards off this and feel like Superman, but unless we're given a way to weaponise hand size or free memory more efficient than Sage and Overmind, this will remain a card for devoted Johnny players.

(Order and Chaos era)
But what about Beach Party, which this card seems to have been made for? —
Public Sympathy, Borrowed Satellite, Box-E... —
It also funds your Power Naps! —
I guess that "way to weaponise" is Faust. —