Pinhole Threading

Pinhole Threading 1[credit]

Event: Run
Influence: 1

Run any server. If successful, instead of breaching the attacked server, access 1 card in the root of another server. If that card is an agenda, you cannot steal or trash it during this access.

Neneciğim would be proud.
Illustrated by Bruno Balixa
Decklists with this card

Midnight Sun (ms)

#13 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner trigger Aumakua’s ability with the access from Pinhole Threading?

    No. Pinhole Threading replaces breaching the attacked server, and the access it grants is not a breach, so it does not meet Aumakua’s trigger condition regardless of whether the accessed card is trashed.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    Can the Runner trigger Kasi String with the access from Pinhole Threading by running Archives?

    No. Pinhole Threading replaces breaching the attacked server, and the access it grants is not a breach, so it does not meet Kasi String’s trigger condition regardless of whether the accessed card is stolen.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    The Runner uses Pinhole Threading to access Ganked! and is forced to encounter ice. Both the attacked server and the accessed server are protected by Border Control. Which paid ability among the Border Controls can the Corp use to end the run?

    The access from Pinhole Threading doesn't change the attacked server, so the Corp can only use the Border Control protecting the server where the run was made, not the server where Ganked! was accessed.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    The Runner uses Pinhole Threading to access Ganked! and is forced to encounter ice. If the Runner is tagged, can the Corp gain credits from Henry Phillips during that encounter? Where would Henry Phillips need to be installed for this to work?

    The access from Pinhole Threading doesn't change the attacked server, so abilities like Henry Phillips that apply “during a run on this server” only apply for cards in the root of or protecting the server where the run was made. The ability would be able to resolve successfully even though the subroutines being broken are on ice protecting a different server. Conversely, a copy of Henry Phillips in the root of the server where Ganked! was accessed would not be able to meet its trigger condition.

  • Updated 2022-09-10

    If the Runner uses Pinhole Threading to run a central server, can they use credits hosted on Cezve to trash an asset in the root of a remote server?

    Yes. The run is still on a central server.


This is going to be the de jure tech card for years to come. It efficiently solves multiple problems, whether that's checking for agendas in tall remotes, trashing defensive upgrades, or eliminating early econ assets. It's also especially good for Apoc/DD decks to get rid of Crisium. I think every runner deck can run 1-2 of these and feel happy about the decision.

(Midnight Sun Booster Pack era)

Honestly a bit surprised it's only 1 influence.

Just like Political Operative: 1 cost 1 inf Criminal card that deals with assets or upgrades.

Nowadays, runners, like instantly lose against some matchup if you don't have 2-3 pinholes in their deck.

So It's kind of interesting that NSG suggested a new meta, from 'ice STR doesn't matter at ALL' to 'yeah but anyway I'll fire their subs'.

(Parhelion era)

This card does a LOT of work.

It creates excellent value against pretty much every card a corp can install inside a server. It is often the most efficient option in the card pool for dealing with a defensive upgrade, an economic asset, or a kill threat like Dr. Keeling. Compared to the Boomerangs you might have previously been using for this, Pinhole is a click cheaper, $1 cheaper, and is effective against almost any conceivable defensive setup (including Anansis and Acme Data Wards and Skunkworks that Boomerang would struggle with).

It also helps you avoid unnecessary runs by letting you gather information on whether an install is or is not a must-run agenda, and helps you plan against defensive agendas. (If you've ever run into a Bellona without $5 available to steal it, or have whiffed on a Mad Dash, you'll appreciate this).

If you're on Apocalypse, this is probably the easiest way to deal with Crisium Grid.


In Eternal, the interaction with Film Critic looks game-breakingly powerful? (In Standard, stealing an agenda is the ~only thing Pinhole Threading can't do. In Eternal, grabbing agendas with Film Critic is probably PT's highest and best use. This is way too much value for a $1 card, particularly one which is useful in many other situations.

(Midnight Sun Booster Pack era)