Magnum Six Credits - 2nd Place BABW Quinns Qualifier.o8d

rotage 2963

This was my deck that came 2nd at a 40+ person BABW tournament qualifying event, It went 4-1 in Swiss and 1-1 in double elimination

The concept is straightforward enough to get Magnum Opus as soon as possible, ideally on turn 1, I will therefore almost always Mulligan for either a Magnum Opus, Test Run or SMC.

With Magnum out I will get up to around 10 credits and then depending on what I am facing slowly build up while maintaining a decent amount of credits

A lot of the cards are standard shaper cards so I won't go into much detail about them but cover the more unusual cards included here

Box-E - My previous console was Astrolabe but I was finding I was having constant memory issues and often lacked 1 MU, also with HB glacier becoming more popular in my meta Astrolabe's ability was becoming less useful. Also the 7 card hand size can be useful to prevent a traffic accident & scorched kill. It did save me in one of the games in elimination

Sacrificial Construct - A recent inclusion to help keep Clot in play and prevent Batty trashing programs, I may go down to 1 of these to get back to 45 cards

Crescentus - This doesn't get played a lot but when it does it can be game changing, its mostly used against blue sun although I did use it against a Heimdall 2.0 in the tournament and it gave me a few cheap runs at R&D while the corp got money back to be able to rez it again

Corroder - This is also a recent splash as I had 2 spare influence and wanted a permanent fracter out in case of blacklist of Lady being overwhelmed by barriers. It has come in handy against servers which have been stacking multiple cheap barriers such as wraparound however I am considering swapping it for an additional leg work

The deck's biggest problems are mine, both of the losses were against HB glacier using Caprice and I lost almost of all my PSI games

Going forward I am considering adding a Vamp and possibly swapping the leg work for an HQ interface, any feedback is welcome

31 Aug 2015 sruman

I think the changes you suggest are solid. I know it's a huge cost, but given the 3 pairs of test-run scavenge, perhaps Torch over Gordian?

1 Sep 2015 rotage

Thanks for the advice. I have thought about Torch, my issues are that I tend to use scavenge already for moving the Femme counter and for recharging Lady.

Also would need to work out how many codegates greater than strength 2 I would be likely to see. Turing and Lotus Field are common although I didn't see any Lotus Field in the tournement although I did encounter a Viktor 2.0 and a Inazuma

However if I was to remove Lady and go all in on Corroder than Torch would become very viable at that point

1 Sep 2015 sruman

No tollbooths? All over my meta but yours could be different. Wormhole and little engine also fairly common here. But prepaid Kate tends to run less so torch versus Gordian blade is an equation with a couple variables -- popularity if high strength ice, how many times typically run, how consistent test run and scavenges ( find a same old thing helps alot), etc. Another alternative could be net ready eyes which can boost Gordian and more importantly femme for a fairly consistent 2 credut saving. Plus provides flexibility on atman.

1 Sep 2015 rotage

Yeah do see tollbooths, I normally Femme the tollbooth, rarely see a second one rezzed. Wormhole appears from time to time, little engine I've only seen once. Part of the issue was that the previous version of this deck used d4v1d so I used that for str5+ ice and never really made a note of how often I dealt with str5 codegate ice

I like the idea of netready eyes, I can see a lot of uses for it, in fact I can think of few games where it wouldn't be useful

My proposed changes are: -1 Legwork, -1 Crescentus, -1 Utopia Shard.

+1 HQ Interface, +1 Vamp, +1 Net-Ready Eyes

Once I get some numbers I can then decide on the torch/gordian blade decision

Thanks for the suggestions so far, very helpful and appreciated :)