Kate - JoaT, Master of none (2015 Aldershot GNK Winner).o8d

rotage 2963

Been playing this deck for a while now and it finally triumphed in the Aldershot going 3-1 in Swiss with a bye in the first round.

The idea is pretty straight forward, get Magnum Opus as soon as possible then install the programs you need.

Crescentus was an odd choice at first but I managed to derez a tollbooth and a curtain wall with it. Not as convinced about net shield, against PE decks it does a lot of work but don't see that many of them.

FA is still around hence the inclusion of Clot however if I feel that FA becomes less of thing then I would consider swapping the Clot back to a Legwork

I feel this deck suffers less against blacklist then Prepaid Kate decks but it still can be impacted hence the inclusion of three standard breakers

Any thoughts, suggestions on the deck are welcome