Frustration at its finest - Undefeated at IKoS 2018

wowarlok 1177

This deck went undefeated at the IKoS 2018, so I decided to share it; its name comes from all the sighs my friends made while helping me test it the deck.

The idea of the deck is very simple, you have some of the strongest pieces of ice, some exceptional economy tools (Azmari EdTech: Shaping the Future being the most important one) and only 6 agendas to defend.

Most of the cards are fairly standard for the arcehtype, so I'll go over the ones I think might need some explenation:

  • Bio Vault is great for baiting the runner in a very expensive remote, just like NGO Front, but with the addad bonus of still being usefull if he calls the bluff.

  • Navi Mumbai City Grid stops several scary cards, mainly d4v1d and SMC, making the scoring server so much safer.

  • Crisium Grid has different uses depending on the match up, but the most important one is preventing indexing and deep data mining, which are the worst enemys of this deck, as they help the runner score from the super-remote you want to build.

  • Archangel is the only ice without any form of "end the run", but the combination of it and Degree Mill can save games.

  • The two copies of Preemptive Action are there to get back in the deck the two Echo Chambers as well as the rest of your really usefull assets, but are generally very versatile overall.

The strategy of the deck is quite straightforward: build an impenetrable remote while slowing down your opponent economy with your ID and Scarcity of Resources; don't worry about the centrals too much early, as it is unlikely for the runner to get much out of them anyway. Once you're ready start advancing agendas as soon as you draw them, as simple as that.

Highlights of the day were:

  • Starting a game with 9 agenda points in hand and scoring them all in the span of ten turns.

  • Using Bio vault to both bait my opponent in a server he could not get in and later using it to stop a run on R&D that would have lost me the game.

Huge thanks to Darta for the whole organization of this great event, I had a blast even as one of the newest member of the italian community.

20 Oct 2018 Shorty

The deck is a beast! Thanks for sharing.