Azmari Mill (2nd in small SC in Denmark)

zmb 291

This is the corp deck i took to a small store championship in Denmark.

I was first in swiss and finished #2 over all. The deck lost once in swiss, and went 3 out of 5 all day. Both losses was to Asger/TugtetguT so probably not the decks fault ;-)

It is a modified version of TheBigBoy's Azmari Glacier deck. The added Scarcity of Resources was pure evil against the runners, but not enough to stop @TugtetguT 's Geist that was even more insanely rich than me :)

Bryan Stinson only fired one time in the day, but Ash 2X3ZB9CY was so happy for the cash-flow when I scored an SSL next round to get even richer!

This deck is good against most runners. It can rush somewhat behind the choo-choo's but considering taking out one of the Little Engine for something with more long-term stopping power.

My runner was Packet-loss Val (apoc val + eXer)

20 Mar 2018 BlackCherries

I was very excited to see what kind of Azmari deck could mill the runner... am disappointed :(

20 Mar 2018 zmb

To what degree were u disappointed? :)

21 Mar 2018 BlackCherries

LOL you've just earned my like, +1.

24 Mar 2018 zmb

We aim to please :)