Welcome to New York by Lat(yor) Swift [0-3 at NYC SoS]

RayS 43

I've been playing for around 4 months now and Sovereign of Subways was my first tournament. I need to give a huge thanks to my teammates Al and Colin, and to @Kysra for organizing a great event!

I'm writing this because I wanted to,

  1. write a recap like all the real pros do, and
  2. leave a note to Future Me about the lessons I learned before this event, but may have forgotten to implement when they mattered.


This list is based on @AlPi's Swift DD Lat list (though, I started from the variation that @ayyyliens brought to Worlds.)

I fussed with this list a lot more than my Corp deck. I think that's because I underutilized Legwork and so I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what else that influence could be spent on. In the end, the "important" changes are,

  • Swapping Diesels for Stoneships: this was right after UK nats and it seemed like everyone was teching Stoneship, but of course it has added implications for Lat's matchup against PD.
  • -1 Deep Dive: three is a lot and they often ended up stuck in hand.
  • +1 Hush: it's just so good against the most annoying ice (Funhouse in particular)
  • -1 Bahia Bands, +1 Mystic Maemi: Bahia Bands are incredible, but they were hard to utilize when I was low on money, hence the Wizard.

Round 1

Loss against Neal on Ob.

There was some good back and forth and we were tied when time was called, but he had an Atlas counter to search up a Hostile Takeover.

Lesson: play to the clock.

Round 2

I played against... wait hang on.


Ok so, in round 2 I played against... sorry what's that?

Re-pairing (part II)...

I played against... nobody. Our team had a bye this round.

Jokes aside, this was the lone hiccup in the entire day. Shoutout to @Kysra for running a great event!!

Round 3

Loss against Mike on RH.

I saw an opening for an early deep dive and went for it. My trip through archives revealed a Bacterial and Mike sent all 7 to hand. A more experienced player would have left well enough alone, but not me! I played the deep dive and saw yet another Bacterial. I thought long and hard before doing the obviously incorrect thing (stealing it and crossing my fingers). Another 7 cards to HQ. I have a stoneship in play but that's not enough to save more from YDL/Punitive/Punitive.

Lesson: Punitive is a card that exists and if they're leaving 5/3s in archives then they're going for the flatline, you buffoon!

Round 4

Loss against Dan on PD.

Lesson learned: idk. I was tired during that game and I am tired again now as I type this. Drink more water and get more sleep, I guess.

Round 5

DNS against Seba on R+.

I started out on corp and that game went to time so I never got to see the Corp list.

Lesson: Maybe I should learn the math on 241s...