Sisyphus's Prison

LLBlumire 86

Welcome to Sisyphus's Prison. This is not a Prison deck, but it does create some nasty board states to untangle.

Let's start with the Agendas, there's 7 of them. Fujii Asset Retrieval, Send a Message, Sisyphus Protocol. Every agenda takes 5 advancements to score, so the deck is built on top of ways to make that happen.

Your most reliable way, and our biggest single influence investment, is The Holo Man. This is a must trash playing against this deck, and it will Spin them back aggressively to keep him going to work. He lets you never advance a 5/3 for 6 credits. So having him and an agenda on the table for a turn, with 6 credits spare is a very important line. You need to do it 3 times.

To keep him safe, there's nasty ice. Boto is a hard break for all breaker suites in the format, Pharos can be advanced with Holo Man if you're rich to get it's upgraded defensive form online. Tatu-Bola provides you out-of-turn installs that lets you get Agendas and Holo Man on the table ready to use at tempo. Attini, Cloud Eater, and Phoneutria are spiky and nasty to run into once you have a Sisyphus scored (especially the snake). Tributary has some anti syngery with Sisyphus but the out-of-turn installs and value of it are worth having it until it gets banned.

You also have Adrian Seis, who should spend his entire life wherever The Holo Man is to keep him extra safe.

Then, economic tools to pay for it all. Hansei Review, Hedge Fund, and Mindscaping all speak for themselves. Charlotte Caçador is consistent economy (you should almost always advance her), Cohort Guidance Program is a way to get Charlotte advancements, but failing that is just a really good econ and card cycling tool. Cohort also gives you an install-advance line for scoring your 5/3s, which will often go ignored and assumed to be a Charlotte.

Finally, Crisium Grid is a meta call, because everyone and their mum is running 'on success' triggers at the moment.