This is an updated version of my previous Saraswati Punitive deck. If you don't know the NAPD Cordon and Saraswati combo, let me illustrate:
This deck can do it all. You can play glacier with your big ass ice suite, and you'll be raking in rez-cash from all of your teacup alpacas, hedges, brain things, and (last but most certainly not least) Mwanza City Grids. If the runner is particularly poor and doesn't have an Imp on the table, you might get away with scoring naked agendas with NAPD Cordon. The fun thing with NAPD Cordon is that even if the runner cheeses your ice with Bankhar, Botulus, Physarum Entangler, Boomerang etc (is it just me, or does ice suck nowadays?), they still have to pay up. And if the runner chooses to ignore your remote, drain their bank with a juicy Reversed Accounts. Also, since you're Saraswati, you have Cerebral Overwriter to bait the runner into wasting credits just for the privilege of getting bonked by 3 core damage.
Oh, you can do that too. Enter the funny sunglasses man. Since you'll be rolling in cash, you should always be able to threaten a double Punitive Counterstrike. This becomes much easier if you manage to get off 3 core damage from a Cerebral bluff, since a single Punitive becomes lethal. Fast running, E. coli, and corpse disposal help you find the second Punitive if necessary. The reason I included 2 Simulation Resets is because it works as a sort of pseudo-draw where you sack all of the useless agendas and ice from HQ and draw that many cards. It's great.
Bacterial Programming in particular synergizes so well with Mwanza City Grid. If the runner steals this from R&D while they still have accesses left from Mwanza, you can force the runner to access Snare! or even another agenda if you have Punitive in hand. If you don't have your Punitives available, just pop them into HQ and cock your shotgun.
Mwanza City Grid is so stupidly good that I'm surprised I don't see it more often. If the runner just so happens to trash one of your Jackson Howard wannabes, brain spankers, or Paul Blarts, use Simulation Reset to get your shit back into R&D. Snare! is an obvious synergy, and I've gotten kills off of double Snare accesses. If the runner accesses any agendas, the 10 credits from Mwanza put you in an excellent place to land a double Punitive flatline. If the runner accesses two agendas and doesn't win, then you only need to land a single Punitive to win. Even if the runner manages to survive the run, you now have 10 extra credits to rez your big fuck off ice. Mindscaping an operation or piece of ice to the top of R&D helps make sure that at least one of those accesses isn't an agenda or trashable card.
Urtica Cipher? I never found the trashes from Urtica to be particularly valuable. Sure, they'll slow the runner down a bit, but it doesn't contribute to my overall game plan enough to justify its inclusion. Also, it's trashable, which isn't great when you're running Mwanza. Besides, the runner already assumes I'm running 3 Urticas anyway due to my ID, so the psychological effect is there already. Cerebral Overwriter, on the other hand, is a much more punishing ambush that lowers the runner's hand size to 2 so that you can kill with a single Punitive (and you don't have to worry about Steelskin Scarring!)
Hansei Review? I always found myself cringing while deciding which card to trash from HQ. This deck is combo-based, so I can't just trash combo pieces out of hand. This deck is rich enough that swapping Hansei Reviews for Mindscaping won't bankrupt you in the slightest.
More Botos? I used to have 2x Boto in this deck, but I found that it often was dead weight due to the expensive rez cost and the need to trash a card to end the run. Also, playing a bunch of 5/3s makes the threat 4 strength boost relatively inconsequential.
This is one of my favorite pieces of jank that I've ever created. The gameplay is so dynamic for both sides due to the multiple avenues to victory. NAPD Cordon forces the runner to make the agonizing choice of either letting you score or risking a double Punitive. Snare adds a sense of excitement to every access (and the runner will be making many accesses with Mwanza). Both the corp and runner have to assiduously monitor their credit counts. After the runner steals an agenda, you're going to get the choice of whether to continue building your board or dig like a maniac for your Punitives with Sprint and Simulation Reset. The ID ability allows for all sorts of fun bluffs. If you want both you and your opponent to have a roaring good time, I'd suggest you paste this deck into JNet and give it a spin!