Bloo Moose Makes Bad Cards Good

Immolation Script is a really fun card! Doesn't work against some decks -at all- though. This makes it an unattractive choice, in competitive circumstances especially. That makes the choice to take three copies and have consistency (instead of the card in question being a weird singleton "flex slot" forever) even less desirable.

A lot of cards fit this in this category. "Not bad but not good enough." "A little too janky." "Weird combo piece." Call it whatever you want. We all know of the category well and have our own opinions on what cards fit there. Either way, we can all agree on one thing: we desperately want to use these cards. Welcome to the location of a lifetime.

Every single card in your deck is worth 2 credits minimum now. That includes the good and the "Mmmmmaybe..." Yes, the cost up front is 4 and that isn't cheap (but it can be), but it makes that money back in two turns, clickless. Oh right, the ridiculous amount of credits you get from this card is all clickless. With all this on the table, cards that just looked fun can now look a bit more serious too, and that's an exciting. Maybe worrying too, we'll have to see.

Shapers love the Moose and Levy AR Lab Access, as the longer the game goes the more they can prune the heap of everything but their best, most important cards. People used to joke that Criminal heaps might as well have been on Mars with how accessible they were. Jokes on us, turns out it was the whole time and Crims have an amazing sustained economy option that can be added to almost any Crim deck and make it better, full stop. Every Anarch ID and card is laughing their butts off at the ridiculous opportunities that have suddenly blossomed. The three mini-factions love it too--Oh, excuse me, some runners aren't allowed to recycle responsibly. Humanoids love the Moose though.

Whatever ridiculous jank, or pet card project, or juuuuuust not competitive enough deck idea you could think of suddenly became at least a teensy bit more viable. There is no such thing as a truly dead draw anymore.

p.s. Careful runners, they will try to destroy it. Maybe hold onto a copy, just to be careful.

Bloo Moose Makes Bad Cards Good


So the problem with this card, I think (and I mean the philosophical problem, not one of the many game play problems), is that it's clearly meant to be a pet card for Null. And while I'm certainly in favor of him having his own suite, he already had two thirds of one the second he was released. All they needed to do was release Nfr, which they did, and he had his own suite. It was mostly unoriginal, but it worked. Except for Nfr. Just use Corroder or Paperclip instead.

Aaaaaaaanyway, that's why this card doesn't work. Because it could never have worked. It was trying to fill a niche that was already filled from the get go, and filled pretty perfectly I might add. That left two outcomes--Either the card would be terribly weak, or terribly strong. I'm glad they went with the former personally, but it's still a shame.

Really, the only way this card could see play is if we start seeing tons of high strength, cheap sentries, or if something happens to Mimic. Only then could this card have a chance.

So true. Especially because of the 2:1 break cost, which is always aweful, especially for killers. —
It's a shame this breaker is so lame and so eclipsed by mimic because the artwork is very cool. I don't understand why FFG made this 2 creds per break, it makes no design sense. —

If we look at the first paragraph alone, this card looks pretty cool. It's a clickless way to get rid of tags, which is great, and it will probably cost you a credit less than usual to boot. Link enhances this effect, making it so the corp not only has to pay to land the tag, but pay again to make it stick. Great for dealing with that horrible scourge that is Hard-Hitting News. Or clearing an Account Siphon tag for cheap. Or if you really want to get wacky, have this and one Joshua B. out, clearing Joshua's tag with this effect (since both fire at the end of turn and you can therefore choose the order of resolution).

Now to that second paragraph. Not the most attractive way to avoid meat damage, obviously. You not only trash the resource, but your hand as well, so you've lost one click, two creds, and however many cards you have in hand. Still, when it's a choice between that fiery death, which are you going to choose?

Overall, a really strong card. The first effect is good by itself, and allows for some wacky combo decks I'm sure we'll all love and loathe in the future. The second is dreadfully inefficient at worst and a temporary lifeline at best, but by god, is it good for stopping that horribly pervasive card. Citadel Sanctuary will definitely earn a spot in many future decks because of that alone.

EDIT: I don't think there's an official ruling yet (if so please feel free to include it and correct me, I'd hate to be giving false information), but some points brought up by others make me now unsure that this card and Joshua B. synergize as I've claimed they would. If the two don't work, I'd still say the card is amazing, it's just lost some potential.

Is that synergy with Joshua B. confirmed? As I read the text, if you end your turn with no other tags than what Joshua would give you, the condition of Citadel is unfulfilled when the "end of turn" effects are triggered. Thus, only Joshua will resolve, leaving you tagged. —
"When your turn ends" would seem to be a conditional trigger happening before "end of turn" triggers. —
According to the timing structure of a turn in FAQ 3.1, "End of Turn" and "When your turn ends" triggers occur simultaneously. Therefore, Citadel Sanctuary will NOT trigger if you have no tags before the end of your turn. —
If "End of Turn" and "When your turn ends" triggers occur simultaneously, doesn't that mean that you choose the order they happen in? Thus you could choose to take the tag first, then trigger the check for tags. —
@Basoon, my reading is that when "turn ends," you look at all of the cards for satisfied trigger conditions, then evaluate them in the order of your choosing. So, when the "turn ends" hits, Joshua B gets queued up, but Citadel doesn't (since you are not yet tagged). You then resolve all of the simultaneous effects, but don't go back to re-evaluate the "end of turn" with any effects which have happened so far. This is the same principle established by the courts in the case of "Supplier v. Aesop's Pawn Shop" (which is in the Supplier's entry in the current FAQ, 3.1.2) —

This is not a great Fracter. It's way less efficient than its main competition, Corroder or Paperclip, which I imagine will still be the go to barrier breakers for the discerning Criminal. Those or Breach, which is a pretty good Fracter too, even if it's inflexible and only works on central servers. Now, all that being said...




"Now Gerrark," you are surely saying to yourself, "You must be joking. You're paying two clicks for two cards, so you're not getting ahead at all. In fact, if you count the original credit and click from installing this card, you literally cannot come out ahead efficiency-wise with this card."

All true, I'll admit. But this card is not about efficiency. It's about flexibility.

More than anyone else, Crims are reliant on their events. Account Siphon, Inside Job, High-Stakes Job, Drive By, Legwork, and so forth. These events are all extremely powerful, and are absolutely worth the one time usage. But they all have a major drawback: what if you can't use them right now? What if the corp has 1 cred, making an Account Siphon pointless, or no unrezzed ice, making High-Stakes Job impossible to use? These aren't hardware or programs, that, if worse comes to worse, you can just plop them on the table and let your opponent know what's coming. Events are use it or lose it. Which is where this card comes in.

Got an Account Siphon that you can't use right now? Shuffle it back in! Got an Inside Job but no servers worth running? Shuffle it back in! Just drew a Rumor Mill and you know it'll be ages before it's needed, if at all? Shuffle it back in! No longer will Runners have to fear that their event based econ or running game plan will end in their hand getting clogged up with a bunch of cards that are extremely powerful, but just can't do anything at this exact moment. In fact, say you're down to your last five cards or so in your deck; with Blockade Runner, your stack is almost like a second grip for you!

At 1 cred and 1 influence, this card can easily make an appearance in Shaper, Anarch, or mini faction decks that use a lot of events. Which isn't to say that I think this card will see a lot of use, even in Criminal. I'm guessing that it won't, because as strong as events are, a ton of decks don't rely on them to the point where a card like this is all that necessary. Still, if you've got a crapton of events and often find yourself with three in hand and nothing to do with them, go ahead and slot this card. It'll help.

Completely agree. Can't wait to use this with Ken. —
love this with any of the 40 card runners. I have found it enables me to find the pieces I need for most matchups incredibly quickly whilst shoving the stuff I don't need back into my stack for later ... and it is so cheap, it can be an opening hand card, which Mr Li isn't —