So, here she will survive the rotation when Jackson Howard, in the end will leave us (praise Jackson Howard). It seems that it's worse than Jackson since her ability is not that useful as draw twice. And she can only bury one agenda.

Also it's worth mention that you can also look for the agenda to bury (in case of Government Takeover or Vanity Project) but I haven't played yet in that case.

But you don't have to remove her from the game, you just have to trash her. So you can recycle her. Something that our Holy Jackson Howard can't do. And who can install stuff easily from the archives? Of course. Cricks. And the Interns, but Interns have better uses.

And also, as other commented the place where you're buring the agendas is the best place where you can bury them. Even if there is a shuffle or R&D, until that happen, it's almost impossible to go for them. (Exceptions, Showing Off which is never played or Maya, which can bury more stuff but needs already tons of accesses, but it's worth mention)

So even if she needs more influence, she may be useful in decks that are already recycling stuff from the archives. She's still weak against Rumor Mill but nobody's perfect.

I HOPE she's not meant to fill in for Jackson Howard, because the JH replacement should be neutral this time damnit. —
Preemptive Action comes out in the next data-pack, a neutral operation. —
I'd say Shannon feels a lot more balanced than ol' Jackoff Coward. You can't ditch your agendas into Archives with complete impunity, but still got a narrow margin of error. —
There are several options to fill the Jackson Howard. None of them as powerful but in different factions and tastes. Preemptive Action is one of them. —

I've played Deep Thought as an early pressure. It can:

1) Scare the corp since you can see what cards are going to draw (and information is key in this game). This can annoy lots of corps. Specially the kind of deck that allows you to go to R&D to eat for some Snare!. And now with more diferent traps like Space Camp or News Team.

2) Also that information can make you want to run (or not) into R&D or make pressure into other places.

3) Make the corp purge virus counters. And if they don't want to be annoyed for that, they need to purge virus counters.

But as the review of Lupus has said, this is not an equivalent of R&D Interface or Medium. This is more like a program verson of Woman in the Red Dress.

Also it has the con of making first the 3 runs (2 with Grimoire) onto R&D before start shining.

Hello, Security Nexus, how do you do? Do you want to resurrect cards from the oblivion? Do you mean apart from Power Tap, which was almost forgotten? Fine! All for you! Take it and make it shine! Make profit from that forced trace!

Even with Sunny and Security Nexus, this card feels like a 1%'er. Because you are preventing the trace, you can't double dip on Power Tap. Because you are constantly getting access and controlling the corp's credits, you aren't worried about money, and in my experience, corps who are behind on the trace by 1 or 2 might spend to mitigate your ingress, but when you are down 6 or 7, they don't try. Additionally it gets in the way of your overmind tokens just in case you need to fight off a Lab Dog or an Excalibur. She may have 25 influence, but save some for the other goodies she really needs. —
Nah Lukas ruled that it does trigger Power Tap again (trace intitiates, is prevented, initiates again.) Still in my experience the card is marginal, it can be useful if it comes out before your link or to swing the math in your favor during a Midseasons but the cardslots, memory, and influence probably aren't worth it. —
Well, hmmm. I may rethink my testing... But I think the solution is still "the cardslots, memory, and influence probably aren't worth it." just as you suggested. Maybe it's a 5% instead... which is still not worth including. —
Maybe has a place in Geist? —
It's potentially useful in the anti-flatline Geist deck. He has natural flatline resilience since his ability draws cards and there's a whole slew of cards that trash for anti-tagging or anti-damage effects (anti-trace on this one is novel, though). Plus if he's running the Cloud breaker deck he has a lot of spare MU and a decent chunk of Link to help beat weak traces with. —
Not to mention we have some silly-high trace subs now, Gutenberg and Turnpike coming to mind. —

I like replicating things and I want more things to replicate.

The obvious thing is that it turns cards at the cheaper end of the spectrum that are pretty limited on their own into things that get quite powerful quicker than the corp might like. Dyson Mem Chip(with Underworld Contact, LLDS Processor (with disposable breakers), R&D Interface, Prepaid VoicePAD, Cyberfeeder...

The less obvious thing it does is allow you to remove duplicates from your stack: once you've got your console and your e3 Feedback Implants out you don't need any more so might as well use the rest as padding for net damage and leave your stack less diluted. If you can't afford to install now chuck it all in the Workshop

What else can we replicate? Replicate all the things.


Wonderful valerian. Just wonderful. —
Anything worth doing is worth doing twice. —
Very true, lolpaca —
Very true, lolpaca —
Do you really need another one? —

A difficult card to score, but may have some windows with Comet and an agressive runner. If you don't you have to spend your whole turn (one click running each server and the last one to achieve this) in this and be good at it since you even have to have the another and another in your pool.

Maybe useful also with centrals only criminal or with combination of other events that make you run (Dirty Laundry) or hardware that make your running profitable (Desperado).

But it's rare to being score unless some early games or killing desks who want you to get into the servers. Also it has a counterpart in Crisium Grid

Also, in Spanish this card is important to note that had an errata and said "succesful run in R&D, HQ OR archives" which was way too good.

It's not so difficult, you have to prepare and do it properly. Better with Inside Job but I win at least 3 game with this card, and think about Eater combos... —
Doppelganger will also allow you to make the necessary runs in 2 clicks. —
Doppel + Early Bird = playing all three notoriety's on a single turn. Say whaaaaaaaaaa —