AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World

AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World

Identity: Division
Deck size: 45 • Influence: 17

Trash the unrezzed piece of ice the Runner is approaching: Choose a server other than the attacked server. The Runner moves to the outermost position of that server and encounters any ice there. Use this ability only once per turn.

Illustrated by Emilio Rodríguez
Decklists with this card

Earth's Scion (eas)

#52 • English
Startup Card Pool
Standard Card Pool
Standard Ban List (show history)
Earth's Scion
  • Updated 2022-12-11

    ANCUR UFAQ [Michael Boggs]

    If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server, what happens if the outermost ice protecting the new server is unrezzed?

    If the outermost piece of ice is unrezzed, the Runner passes it and proceeds as normal for a run on the new server. There is no opportunity to rez the ice because the approach phase is skipped.

    If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server with a rezzed piece of ice, can the Runner jack out before encountering that ice?

    No. The Runner is encountering the ice, and there is no opportunity to jack out at that point, barring exceptions from other card abilities such as Nero Severn or Recon.

    Audited by the Null Signal Games Rules Team on 12/11/2022

  • Updated 2022-12-11

    When the Corp uses AgInfusion's ability, does it close the paid ability window? Can the runner use paid abilities before encountering the outermost ice on the server they are redirected to?

    AgInfusion's ability does close the paid ability window. The Runner does not have the opportunity to use paid abilities before the encounter with the outermost ice protecting the new server begins.

  • Updated 2022-12-11

    If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server, what happens if there is no ice protecting the new server? Can the Runner jack out?

    The runner moves to the Movement Phase, 6.9.4. The runner can jack out before approaching the server.

  • Updated 2023-10-04

    Does Front Company prevent the first run during a turn from being redirected to a remote server via effects like Slipstream or AgInfusion: New Miracles for a New World?

    No. This restriction only prohibits the Runner from declaring a remote server as the initial attacked server.


I think the most significant part of this ID is when the re-direct effect puts the runner in front of a rezzed piece of ICE. The runner must encounter that ICE and cannot jack out, which really changes how the runner has to approach their runs.

All of a sudden when they approach any unrezzed piece of ICE, they have to have the money to break any outermost rezzed ICE on the board.

If you keep getting re-directed to go through big ICE like Chiyashi, Tithonium, Archer, DNA Tracker, or even something crafty like Excalibur, it can really mess up your plans.

Nothing is quite as bad as getting redirected and paying 7 credits with Paperclip to go through the Chiyashi on Archives only to jack out after because you know there's Breached Dome waiting for you there.

The re-direct can pair really well with click removing effects like MCA Austerity Policy, or force the runner to run again on the desired server only to have it end with Nisei MK II or have them be unable to run again due to Excalibur. If they get an AI to deal with the Excalibur then include some good AI hate and force them to go through it over and over again. Maybe even consider Loki if you're including lots of miserable big ICE elsewhere too!

I think the ID works well in both a rush style along with a glacier approach. Deep servers full of un-rezzed ICE give you lots of re-direct potential, and early re-directs can waste runner clicks giving you chances to score. Either way I think this is a fairly potent ID that has a few different approaches to winning.

(Crimson Dust era)
And since Employee Strike is no longer in every runner deck, this ID is easier to use. —
Regarding: —
Regarding: —
Above it says:"If the Corp uses AgInfusion to redirect the Runner to a different server, what happens if there is no ice protecting the new server? Can the Runner jack out? The Runner has passed all the ice protecting the new server, so the next step is to approach the server (Step 5 of the timing structure of a run). This means the Runner will have the normal opportunity to jack out at step 5.2" Wouldn't the runner be at step 4.1 - Paid Abilities?And, this is where I get confused. If the Corp uses Ag to force the runner into an advanced and unprotected Cerberal Overwriter, can't the corp fire the paid ability at 4.1 before the runner can jack out at 4.2? . —