Dead Frogs (0-5 @ ATIEN30)

jan tuno 4068

This is testrunning's deck from EMEA run through a bunch of iterations. On the morning of the event, koga convinced me to cut Bravados for Doofs because he's evil. They were actually really good, I rarely survived long enough to draw them but all of them connected and were very impactful.

DreamNet should probably just be an Earthrise Hotel.

The deck lost to: good play by krysdreavus, Distributed Tracing + End of the Line, Oppo Research into Mindscaping + End of the Line, Snare! + End of the Line, and a click 1 Saisentan naming resource. Italian players are evil in an annoying way, and if you ever come here for a tournament you should probably pack Stoneship Chart Rooms.