No Cyperspace for Old Man v2.0

PaxCecilia 294

Second incarnation of my Iain deck that is trying to maximize income from Underworld Contacts. I've changed the breaker suite around a bit, mainly for the Cloud subtype Zu. Since he doesn't take MU, I will have enough for all my breakers and Sneakdoor with just Logos out. Mem Chips were replaced with Access to Globalsec, just the Underworld Contacts active for 2 fewer credits.

In addition to this, I added the clone chips as a backup against program destruction, and The Source to help me get a few more turns of Underworld income in.

I got rid of the connections income event because I rarely had more than 3 in play, so I just went with Easy Mark for more reliable +3c. I also added two inside jobs and removed 1 special order (either I will draw into a breaker already or Logos can fetch one).

I'll be play testing this later today, so I'll come back with some results... hopefully manages better against Jinteki and FA strategies.

9 Jun 2014 Ravengm

Considering that Iain's playstyle is usually a game of sitting back and waiting for a while, then hammering the corp hard, why not put in some more multi-access setup cards like R&D Interface (or additional HQ ones)? Or am I just reading the deck wrong entirely?

9 Jun 2014 PaxCecilia

No that's precisely the point. Previous version had an R&D interface, and it was rarely used. The beautiful thing is that once I've got my clickless econ, I can access remote servers. Against Weyland, non-FA HB, RP Jinteki, and a few others this is really good. Against any fast advance (NBN/HB/Jinteki) it really falls flat. The HQ interface makes it so I can get agendas being held in hand a bit more reliably, but I absolutely have to get them from hand in those matchups. And not only that, usually by the time I can reliably get into HQ, they've got 4-5 points with FA, with NBN at least 1 astroscript scored and it's almost over This version did a fair amount worse than the earliest version I made.

What I'd love to have, is a Medium. I would give me the option of big R&D dig and a big enough threat to force a purge... Alas, influence is always what it comes down to with Iain. As much of a joke as this sounds, I might have to go Leviathan and Aurora for my Decoder and Fracter to save on influence :P