No Cyperspace for Old Man

PaxCecilia 294

Trying to do a "big rig criminal" deck that prolongs the game to get the most out of Iain's ability, using Underworld Contacts and Kati for even more long term money. Once it gets to late game, there should be an efficient breaker suite and a pile of money to make runs as necessary. You'd think that a retired cop/spy would be an highly influential person... Anyways.

Right now the idea is to get the following on the board before I start making runs: Logos, 2x Underworld Contacts, Kati Jones, Mr. Li, and Garrote (need the Killer before checking ICE).

Dream hand would be something like Underworld Contact, Logos, Dyson Mem Chip, Mr. Li, and any one of Sure Gamble, Hostage, Express Delivery, Kati. I've played 7 games to completion and I'm pretty happy with how often I start with 2/3 of Logos, Underworld, and Dyson Mem Chip.

Garrote is really expensive to play. Good lord.

Torch is even worse, NEVER wanted to grab it with Logos because 9 was way too much. After bouncing off a bunch of Quandry's, but still hitting a few Tollbooths I decided to replace it with Gordian Blade. +1 influence.

Removed R&D Interface and Helpful AI for 2x Clone Chip. Absolutely no recursion was definitely a huge oversight, and to be honest as 1 of's they weren't useful in the slightest. Sure, R&D dig might come in handy, but I'd just as soon make runs on remotes with my efficient breakers and my pile of money.

Running Interference was a little too gimmicky for me. I put in an Inside Job to help with faster Corp decks.

I'm running into the issue where 5 credits and 2 clicks to play a Dyson and Underworld Contact starts to feel like I'm sacrificing waaaaaay too much tempo. I don't know what else to use for cheap Link. I really don't want to use Global Sec... but after getting thoroughly trounced by a Tennin Institute deck, I realized there is a big gap in the play style.

Cards that I am not certain work in here:

Compromised Employee: He's a resource, and I just wasn't ever excited to see him in my hand or on a Mr. Li draw.

Fall Guy: On the plus side, he's just 1 click to play (which is good for Calling in Favors) and he can get me a little extra credits mid run if I am starting to run earlier than I really should. On the downside, if they're trashing my resources then they are going to use a full turn to do it anyways and it just makes them waste a click and 2 credits.

Dyson Mem Chip: I want a cheaper way to get the Link I need. s:link in the side bar gives me so few options. I didn't realize how difficult getting to 2 link would be! As it stands, I think I have to keep this (plus I need the +1 memory to use Sneakdoor).

Special Order: This was a big surprise to me, but I really felt like with my Mr. Li draw I really do not need 3 of these, just 2. I'll keep it as is for now to see how it plays out, but usually I've seen at least 1 program before I see 2 special orders, and my Logos gets my programs more often than not.

I would really like some constructive feedback, this is the first deck I've made that I won a few games that I was really proud of how I played and how it worked.