Hayley Has No Life 1.0

Grimwalker 639

Work In Progress. Getting closer, suggestions still welcome.

In other Hayley Comet builds, I ran into issues balancing enough Events, Resources, Hardware, and Programs to be able to consistently leverage double clicks.

So, what if we decide Hayley is cramming for finals and doesn't have time for events. I tried to pack the Resources, Hardware, and Programs with a mix of moderate and cheap installs, so as to always have something in hand to drop along with whatever is being installed.

Version 1.0 brings Aesop* to the party, so that all the cheap drops can either be used for their intended purposes or sold for cash--any bonus install can be almost free money.

Significant synergies:

Hayley+All-Nighter. My signature combo.

Hayley+Personal Workshop. Get bonus installs at the end of the Corp's turn, then again on your own.

*and the familiar Daily Casts/Armitage/Cache econ shell.

9 Apr 2015 KawaiMata

Hayley screams 'Stealth Grid'!! Think i saw another version with Replicator. Do you really find use for the Aesop's? usually with stealth grids all programs are valuable.

9 Apr 2015 Grimwalker

I'm afraid I don't know what you mean by "Stealth Grid," unless you're just talking about a Stealth based rig in general. In which case, sure. Her ability is great for popping off Lockpicks and Silencers and Cloaks.

I've thought about Replicator, but in this particular list, truly the only Hardware I'd need in large quantities are the Lockpicks and to a lesser extent, the RDIs. Everything else I'm in good shape if I just see one of. But in other builds, it's made the cut.

Targets for Aesop would include Armitage, Daily Casts, Cache, or any Mem Chips or SMCs that turn out to be unnecessary late game.

I haven't tried playing this build, so the Aesop econ package may or may not stay.