Hayley Has No Life 0.5

Grimwalker 639

Work In Progress

In other Hayley Comet builds, I ran into issues balancing enough Events, Resources, Hardware, and Programs to be able to consistently leverage double clicks.

So, what if we decide Hayley is cramming for finals and doesn't have time for events. I tried to pack the Resources, Hardware, and Programs with a mix of moderate and cheap installs, so as to always have something in hand to drop along with whatever is being installed.

I'm a bit at a loss as to what to spend the rest of my Influence on.

8 Apr 2015 elliotglendale

I'm working on a similar build, and I think you might benefit from Cache, since your econ is a little light and you have the influence anyway. Likewise, you could replace one of your Daggers with a Switchblade.

8 Apr 2015 FarCryFromHuman

I didn't think about the click compression Hayley provides to All-nighter. That's a really clever combo.

8 Apr 2015 Grimwalker

Cache is a good suggestion since it's a cheap non-event econ. Might get me to find room for some Aesop's Pawnshop to combo with Daily Casts...might as well do the full Aesop/DC/Cache/Armitage shell at that point. Could work.

Switchblade tends to be really hard to run along with Refractor since it has higher demand for Stealth credits--Dagger is a badass killer, it just gets overshadowed by its blue cousin.

8 Apr 2015 elliotglendale

If you switch to Cache, you should probably switch Q-Coherence to Akametsu. I don't think the 1 credit is going to cause much trouble, especially with Personal Workshops.

As for Switchblade, I think the issue is that 1) most Sentries are heavy on subroutines, so breaking them all with one credit can be huge and 2) Archer is probably the most common and most dangerous Sentry, and Dagger needs two stealth credits to get up to strength on it anyway (and then it needs 4 credits to break all the subroutines).

As for prioritizing cloak, Refractor rarely needs more than 1 stealth credit, since you can break routines with regular credits and (I think) Checkpoint is the only code gate with more than 5 strength. So, your Lockpick almost always gets the job done. If you do multiple runs in a turn, you tap into your Ghost Runners.

8 Apr 2015 Grimwalker

Revised at: netrunnerdb.com

@elliotglendale has convincede me to stick with the double stealth suite for the time being. Good call on dropping QCC for AMC now that Aesop is in.

8 Apr 2015 Lupus Yonderboi

For 6 inluence points, seeing your deck, 2x Silencers seem the obvious choice. Keep 1x/2x Cloak since its SMC-able and more versatile and throw away your Q-Coherence Chip.

Now you've freed 2 or 3 other slots, maybe 2x Replicators could fit that deck (i suspect that card to be worthy with Hayley). Last slot, if any, to Sharpshooter for safe run early game.