Cutlery Noise (1st Curious Too! Gamecentral SC)

Bilitherubin 212

Participated and won the Curious Too Gamecentral Store Championship in Victoria, BC, Canada. The field was 14 players in total, slightly smaller than the Terminal7 SC I attended two weeks prior with 25 players. Along with my corp, my Noise was undefeated throughout the Swiss, as well as the 2 games in Top 4 cut.

With some play testing, as well as taking reference from my games against NEH in my previous SC, I decided to make slight tweaks to my deck. I wanted to improve my Fast Advance match ups a bit more. I have the 3x Cultery cards to handle most glacier games, so I decided to cut my 2x Daily Casts and swapped them to a more classic Scheherezade and go up to 2x Clot from my prvious singleton.

My personal play style preference, is to seek out a Wyldside in a starting hand. I value the draw from Wyldside way more than the economy support from Aesop's Pawnshop. Thus I typically mulligan for Wyldside, or keep a mediocre hand that only has Wyldside and no other viruses. I feel fairly comfortable to play against any type of Net-Damage decks with the Wyldside installed; I require the Wyldside to pressure Glacier decks; and Wyldside is generally very good against NBN Fast Advance decks.

The match up I went against during the day were the following:

1st Round- HB Food Hybrid build with 1x Mandatory Upgrade and Media Blitz splash. I had a slower start, so I accidentally let the Mandatory Upgrade be slow rolled behind just a Next Silver and an Ash. I had juggled my 2x Clot with Imp/Lamprey while setting up my Wyldside/Chronotype engine and got my win from a 4-click Corp.

2nd Round- NEH 24/7 Scorch. I started off with a poor mulligan with Imp, D4v1d, 2x Deja Vu, and a card I don't remember. The corp started off with with 2 installed remote, and ice on R&D. This was telegraphing either no agendas in hand, or a scorch flavour. I checked the two remotes, one was an Explode-a-palooza and the other a product placement. I was immediately confirmed the likelihood of Scorch plans. The corp scored out an Astro while I drew 1 card per turn and Imp'ing HQ kill cards. I had I've Had Worse in my possession whilst pressuring the corp. After the corp scored out his second agenda, Beale, I decided to attack R&D with my Medium. Just when I got to 5 points from the 2x Medium run, and passes turn, my opponent unfortunately had to be deemed for a match loss due to an illegal board state: an installed Traffic Accident operation in a new remote. It was installed the turn prior to my Medium turn, and could not have been rewind backwards. This game could've went either way as I felt the corp was ready for a kill combo, though I do have I've Had Worse. If he had failed the kill combo, I would've kept up the R&D pressure to seek out the last agenda needed.

3rd Round- Bblum's Bootcamp BS. In this game, I had an extremely good start. Noise gave me a nut draw to set up Wyldside/Chronotype, Cache and Aesop's pawnshop on my second turn. Throughout the game, I pressured the corp with Lamprey/Imp/Multiple Datasuckers whilst killing other ices with parasites and cutlery. Mid game, my wyldside was murdered by an Elizabeth Mills, but I had decided to use my Levy anyways. I had reinstalled my Wyldside the turn after. I proceeded to pressure HQ that got me up to 6 points, and got the win off Archives the turn after.

4th Round- RP Grail with Museum of History. I had my Wyldside early, and all game long I kept the corp poor by forcing rezzes on HQ, killing the ice, and trashing remote assets. The game was a longer one, and I had to Levy halfway through since I had used up my Deja Vu fairly early. I kept the corp from ever sticking a caprice/batty in scoring servers, and eventually Lamprey'd the corp down to 0 and checked archives at late game to win.

Top 4 1st game NEH Fast Advance- Started off with a pretty poor mulligan without neither Wyldside nor Aesop. I opted to pressure the corp while drawing up. Most of the time with an undesired hand, I would draw 1, run on 2 or 3rd click, and take credits on 3rd and/or 4th click to keep up with the corp. I carried out the plan until the corp scored out an Astro and biotic'd out a Beale. I drew the Wyldside on first click, but was only at 3 credits. I opted not to lose any more tempo for set up and drop to 0, and instead installed Medium and attempted to lock R&D. Luckily for me the ice on R&D was only a Special Offer, and I snatched a few agendas on the same turn and the turn after for the win. Turns out the corp was having really bad variance and had literally 10 agendas out, including the ones I stole, the ones he scored, the ones in hand, and in archives. I was glad I made the decision to be more aggressive than to have sat back and set up.

Top 4 2nd game- I was on my own Corp.

Top 4 3rd game- NEH Fast Advance. I had no Wyldside in my starting hand, but I did have a street peddler. I had peddled into my Clot, and that gave me slight relief. The corp scored out an Astro via Shipment from Sansan and Sansan city grid behind an ice. I had take note of it, and was going to make sure I clot the next agenda. I Imp'd the Sansan, and set up my Wyldside that I drew into the same turn. When the corp attempted to score his second Astro, I interrupted with my Clot. The following turns went by fairly quick, and I got the rest of the agendas from R&D for the win.

All in all I'm still very happy with my current Noise build, I may or may not keep the Forked depending on how my further testing goes. Currently, if counting the previous SC results as well, the Noise has been 12-0 on runner games. 4 and 4 from swiss, and 2 and 2 from top cut games.

29 Feb 2016 Jamer

They were good games man! I wish our games would have lastest longer than the few minutes it took me each game to lose. lol. NEH can be a jerk :)