[Standard 24.03] Sudden Commandment FA

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Deck valid after Sixth Rotation
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Repartition by Cost
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james123lui 296

Deck idea

Even though we have many fast advance tricks, early game we still build a hasty remote, try to score honestly to save tools and credits, such that later in the game every remote install presents a taxing fork, diverting attention from centrals and giving us free Pravdivost advancements lest they let our Vladisibirsk City Grid ferment into a surprise score. Its formidable 4-trash cost can further expedite the credit gap to open up opportunities.

Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán is there to give you econ for installing similar to a Tranquility Home Grid, and to bait runs. Put that down the turn before, gain 2c for it and swap it with an agenda to FA out.

This is honest Netrunner, no kill, no spam, no prison, no cheese. Simply a battle of information and opportunities.

Piloting the deck

To have the Biotic Labor effect of Sudden Commandment Threat 3 is needed, so in the early game focus on econ and try to score agendas with Vladisibirsk City Grid. It is totally fine to use Sudden Commandment for Your Digital Life to accelerate the draws (it doesn't gain you any extra credits). Sometimes it's also ok to leave R&D or HQ open/less defended just so you tempt the runner to give you Pravdivost Consulting: Political Solutions advancements to rush out agendas behind costly ICE such as Mestnichestvo or triple-advanced Akhet.

Janaína “JK” Dumont Kindelán is a fun never-advance bait, while creating another catch-22 with our ID and is much more flexible than Daily Quest. If the runner doesn't run, you basically get 2 or even 5c for a click when you swap it out for an agenda/Vlad Grid/herself again, and the runner has to guess once more. If the runner contests, they are wasting credits on the remote, and you have just reloaded your Mestnichestvo for another round of guessing game with high entrance fee. It is also a good litmus test for runner aggression.

In the late game, we will have both fast-advance threats and never-advance baits active. This would further force the runner to decide where to run. At this stage, sometimes it's wise to hold a Subliminal Messaging in hand, as the runner might not give you breathing room for the FA plans. Tributary is also there to discourage running every turn.

Regarding the ICE suite, each piece of ICE costs roughly 3-5c to break. this is costly enough that the runner would not want to challenge every turn, giving you opportunity to recur Subliminal Messaging when all servers are 2 ICE tall. Plus, high-strength ICE is nice against Arruaceiras Crew as they demand Devil Charms. Rime can often lead to 3-4c extra to get through the ICE stack and excellent against tricks like Inside Job, Alarm Clock and Tsakhia "Bankhar" Gantulga.

Thought processes

Why not The Holo Man?

  • Expensive, cannot fast advance 4/2 agendas, low trash cost.

Why not Vladisibirsk City Grid?

  • Reliance on the runner to run, event combo-dependent, telegraphed.

Why not both?

  • Slots are hard.

Cool kick-flip examples

Example 1:

(Vladisibirsk City Grid with single advancement on the table)

  • 1/3: Install Beale.
  • 2/3: Advance Beale.
  • 3/3: Play Sudden Commandment, gain , then play Business As Usual advancing both City Grid and Beale.
  • 4/4: Advance Beale, move 2 advancements from Vlad Grid to Beale. Score.

Voila, a 3-pointer has just been scored from hand!

Example 2

(Vladisibirsk City Grid with single advancement on the table)