Tao Fatale - played by Manda - 2-4 @World 2023

Diogene 4178

Spark of Inspiration for big effects in this fun Tāo Salonga: Telepresence Magician deck. This deck did 2-4 at World 2023, played by Manda.

Game plan : setup fast with Spark of Inspiration.

Mulligan plan : you want Aniccam or Professional Contacts.

The design goal of this deck were :

There are only three possible trigger to remember in this deck, when playing in person :

Everything else is played when you play it. This makes the deck easier to play in person and thus, allow you to spend more of your attention span on the game.

Femme Fatale often act like a Hush, when you put it an ice like Tollbooth. And with K2CP Turbine, a 4 strength killer is fairly good. Engolo will be there to help against really tough ices and to prevent rig shooting.

Reclaim is there to get back a breaker from rig shooting, but can also get back Mystic Maemi after it get sniped by something like tags or Above the Law.

In testing, Rejig proved useful, but at World 2023, it was simply never used. So, maybe swap them for Dirty Laundry?

Professional Contacts is the secret old tech for the deck. With Diesel, we were getting better draw power, but all too often, the deck was too poor. Enter Professional Contacts that keep on giving us credits as we draw and play our cards. That card gives us a value of +7 to +12, making it the best econ card of the game. Getting it early is easy in a 40 cards deck. This may feel a bit old school, as this was in nearly every shaper decks in 2020.

Added to Professional Contacts are 15 more economy cards, making this deck fairly consistent in its economy.

Congratulation to Manda for making it so far at @World 2023 and for taking this deck that was tested by the newly formed testing group in Montreal. We call our group Dép Dive. Shoutout to the team and again, major kudos to Manda.